A Conquest Map Download Deep Freeze Download Conquest Download Conquest v2 Download Conquest v3 Description: This is Deep Freeze. Catchy, I know. If you have played Conquest before you will know what to expect here. The original gametype was created by AZN FTW, so I must give him credit for that. However, there have been plenty of incredible maps made by incredible forgers to support this gametype and they also deserve credit for the inspiration of this map. Your objective in this game is to take your first 3 territories with ease, win the neutral territory, and push into your enemies camp and hold until time runs out. You obviously want to have more captures to win the game. The best way I can describe it is basically a game of tug of war. This map has a claustrophobic feel that is reminiscent of The Cellars but is also unique to itself. The weapons list is standard for Conquest: Assault Rifles Battle Rifles Sniper SMG Spikers Brute Shot Frag Grenades Spike Grenades This map also supports every version of Conquest, including v3. The CPU is located in a neutral area equal distance from each teams start. Also to simulate the feeling of being caught in a freezer I added the filters Juicy and Colorblind. I feel it adds a new dimension to the aura of the map. Overall this map didn't take a terrible amount of time to create, but that's what is great about Conquest. Block off a few things and add some cool stuff and you have one pretty decent Conquest map. Before I go Mr. Freeze has a few comments about this map: Mr. Freeze's feelings about this map. Pics:
i like the teleporter room, and the aesthetics youve got here, ill download and see everything. i like how there are so many flags. this looks like a very well made, cold storage map, nice job!
Thanks man. Oh and just to be clear, the teleporters throughout this map are blocked and purely aesthetic.
Finally a good competitive Cold Storage Map. Played this and enjoyed it a lot. Sort of reminded me of Vicious Vice's map Taction that he just released. The gameplay was solid and intense. Keep up the work and hopefully you took out the teleporter in the back this time around.
Did one better my friend. I kept them for aesthetics by placing a Ghost over the reciever to block the teleporter.
good to see ppl r finally makin some maps for cold storage! nd good ones i rly like this one cuz well... i love CTF! but maybe u could put a lil more weps nd nades on the map :]
oh and i rly like how u put the teles on the walls, it looks COOOOOL XP Refrain from the double-posting - Infraction given - TexturedSun
Still excited to get some games here soon, but I was very impressed in the Forgethrough. This is probably the only way Conquest could be done on Cold Storage, and it seems very well balanced, while still being slightly asymmetrical, which is a big plus. The aesthetics are off the hook as well. You've outdone yourself again, Creep. Gret job.
Another great map from Creep1ng De4th. Not very complex of course, but looks like great fun. Your interlocking could use some work though. lol jk =)
Looks like an actually good cold storage map. This definitely isnt everyone forte. But it seems like someone finally pulled it off. Great job with the aesthetics too.
I think that you did a great Job on this. It looks good and is effective but I think I have a bias against Cold Storage. I now know y Bungie gave it out free.
first off i had alot of fun in helping playtesting this map, it is a very good conquest map, there is always action. The map looks really nice, nice secenery touches, the weapons are well laide out and spwans are good. nice job one of the better coldstorage maps ive seen. also the gloamy effect gives a very nice feeling and look
Conquest is a fun gametype you may not have tried yet. You should go back and read the post because I have included a quick overview of how Conquest in played. Thanks man, I always appreciate your comments cause we have been showing each other our works in progress for a while now. I really rely on your opinion above any other Forger on this site. Thanks man, glad you like it! Yeah you are right. Conquest is a hardcore gametype in my opinion and not suited for everyone. But it is quite enjoyable if played with the right people. As far as the forging aspect, I did pretty much all you can do in Cold Storage within the limitations of a Conquest map, so I am fairly proud of it. Thanks Paulie. Oh and sorry I lagged out of the testing of your map. I got very choppy then lost my internet for a bit and had to recycle my modem a few times. Joy!
I wasn't around for the testing of this map, But I can say that it looked really good from what I have seen. This is basically the only way in my mind that conquest could have worked on cold storage. I especially like the colorblind and juicy effects you put into this map, it adds a little something, makes you feel more alone in the level.. I dunno.. I'm odd I guess.. lol Anyways.. Good job Big Puma! P.S. I have only a question.. This map was posted 15 hours ago.. So that puts it at around 9 pm on Monday the 28th.. How can it already have almost 300 views.. But only 14 comments.. on top of the fact that it's almost on the 3rd page of competitive maps section.. Something is wrong with this scenario.
Thanks King, and thanks for giving away my secret nickname!! Anyways, yeah that is a bit whack. But hey, it's the nature of the beast I guess. Not everyone is into Conquest and some don't even know what it is. We can see that based on a few comments in this thread.
*slowly stands up clapping I have to say that this looks Fantastic Creep. It looks like you pulled off well and I cant wait to play it. I might have to organize another Con night with the two new ones that just came out. I hope the best for the map and can wait to play it. I will try and get back with what I thought about it and a forge through later.
Sure looks pretty. I'll be running this tomorrow at TGIF (I'm doing lots of Conquest), I can't wait to see how it goes. I'm loving the teleporters on the walls, they look very cold.
There is a teleporter problem where you can squeak through every once and a while on your base side. I will be fixing this in a few hours because I have slacked long enough :0) Hang on guys, I know it's tough fighting off all of the excitement lol.