this is definately my favorite map of yours. That maluer circular structure is just awesome and I didnt see the midship at first but after u mentioned it it seemed so obvious. I like how you didnt try to force it into being an exact copy, but loosely based it on midship. Also, all the interlocking was smooth, the mancannons were implemented well and the weapon placement was good. I'm looking forward to BR city--what ive seen so far on that looked good too.
Excellent map DLed this earlier yesterday afternoon. Played an excellent 1v1 match last night on it. The layout and weapon placements are great for mid-range and close up combat, the interlocking is pro, and the spawns are in good places. The footprint feels larger than it actually is because there are three levels: the lower level has plenty of hiding places, the mid level edges the map, and the upper level spawns the mauler and gives a great bird's-eye for BR starts. I've seen earlier versions of this map, courtesy of fatalityz, and I can tell you that this guy has put a lot of work into this. It's definitely worth getting a 2v2 together. Yes, it's better than Renegade. ( I hear someone booing out there and I don't care - Renegade was over-hyped.) Desolation is great. I'm Drone Daddy, and I approve this message.
Great map layout with great gameplay and forging. This is one of those maps that everyone should try, and will end up loving it. Great job.
that fence wall thing is sick. but im gonna have to DL to get a better look at this. be back with feedback later.
fatalityz, you asked for cold hard criticism so I do have one constructive critique: expand the walls a little bit to let the space breathe. With more than three people on the map it gets a little claustrophobic. But really that's all I can complain about. For FFA or a bit of infection, it's a great map and it's obvious that you put a lot of hard work into it.
yea it's supposed to be small, that's y its small xD, 3 v 3 is about max and 5 player ffa is stretching it too
Hm looks very similar to a map I made and never released. You did a cleaner job forging than me though. Seems like this might be good for an mlg setup (which is what the map I made was for).
The Review Hub Map Name: Desolation Author: Fatalityz Reviewed By: Zstrike13 Reviewers: IxGUNxSLINGERxI, G043R, AllseeingEntity, HaloStriker214, Albyhouse Enjoyment: 5/10 Though the map looked very promising, it lacked excitement. The weapon layout seemed poorly designed, more in choice of weapons than placement. The spawning needs help and half the game was spent outside the map running rampant. There were some areas that seemed badly designed and and the aesthetics weren't all too great. We overall did not enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Balance: 7/10 Quite balance this map is. Being perfectly symmetrical usually does that. However, most every time someone spawned, it was next to or with another person. This was quite unfortunate and in a small 2v2 game, that would really ruin the experience. Durability: 0/10 This area unfortunately had no chance of getting points. Took off Seven for break ability, and 3 for bad spawning. While in forge before the testing we checked it out quite thoroughly and before even playing found two ways to get out. I myself checked some parts of the map and saw you had spawn points designated as neutral, which always leads to Spawn killing. The ways we broke out: 1- Getting on to the door corners in the corners of the map near the top and nade jumping over the bridge. Tough but possible. 2- Second way is easier and safer. Get on to the crane (the killer of most maps) and then jumping into the yellow part of it, then walking out and into Foundry. Aesthetics: 6/10 This is where I hoped to give more points. The center piece however is all that really is quite appeasing. We decided, though not necessary, it'd be better to put the boxes upside down so they look neater. Also, there were some questionable areas. In the area where there is a small corner made of walls, the boxes coming onto it had a jump that isn't visible while running and thus we fell a lot. Also, there is a spawn in one spot inside a small hole. Very annoying to spawn there and then have to jump out. Originality: 3/10 Not really that original at all. A midship-like remake with the name desolation, which was named after the Halo two map. And a big arena like this is never that original unfortunately. The originality really comes from the unique designs in some areas, like the central structure. Expert forging on that for sure :] Also, and not sure if this goes here but, the weapons were very bland on the map. Three different weapon types (BRs, Carbines and a Mauler). The mauler, and I understand you tried not making a power weapon, is just that. Very overpowering and a simple one, two hit kill. I personally got a few double kills, even a triple, with it. Overall score: 4/10 I really truly did hate to rate this harshly and I hope you aren't offended or anything. This was just the overall consensus we agreed on after the forge and test. Anyway, it lacked a lot in some areas. Specifically in breakability. It sucks but that is the toughest part to stop. The best suggestion is to add teams to the spawn points to prevent the spawn camping, and build the roof higher to the ceiling, so that it is physically impossible to escape. Turning boxes over isn't a big deal, but it would improve it, and I'd suggest adding more weapons. Some AR's, a couple more power weapons to counter the mauler (nothing big, maybe just a sniper, for long range). Also, the cover was lacking. Most places were quite open except for a few areas in boxes and behind walls, but no huge amounts of cover. Again, I'm sorry and mad I had to rate this low, I didn't want to, please don't take it personally. Not a bad map and good luck on future projects. :]
I liked this one when you showed me it a lot better than Containment, mostly because of the overall feel. I can definitely see how this is Midship inspired, and the weapon choice is great.
This is a great map. It plays very well and it's very fun. Normally I don't like maps like this, but this is great to play on and it deserves my enthusiastic 1000/10
I saw this at the top of the forum so I have to reply. I love the way you made the lifts with mancannons. But it looks like if you go a little off to the side on the mancannon. You would hit your head on a fence wall. Also, when you say "dominating points". Does that mean over-dominating as in camp-able. If not then youve got yourself one helluva midship remake.
wow! i downloaded this when i first saw it(just cuz it looks awesome!) and i just played alot of random slayer games on it with some friends and it is sick!