Castle Siege

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Squiiddish, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    -Castle Siege-
    Created by Squiddish

    Supported Gametypes:
    -Works best with Siege Warfare gametype (link at bottom)
    -Also supports Slayer variants and is playable with one-sided Territories
    -Recommended party size 6-10 (3v3 to 5v5)

    +The Basics+
    Castle Siege is in essence, exactly what it sounds like. One team, the stalwart remnants of the castle's army, is holed up in a giant castle that spans the majority of the map. Their only goal is to hold off the endless horde of attackers for as long as possible. The gameplay centers around one simple fact: You really don't want to let any of those pesky invaders in your castle! The gametype is a simple one-sided VIP variant, with the VIP on the attacking team representing a squad leader or commander of some sort. Points are allotted as follows:

    Kill--------1 point
    VIP kill-----2 points
    Destination-5 points

    Rounds are played first to 50, with a time limit of 10 minutes placed on each round. There are only two rounds: so each team gets a chance to play each role. Now, I'm sure you're al eager to explore the gameplay, so let's jump right in!

    You have on goal and one goal only: GET IN THAT CASTLE!
    Pictured above is your starting/respawn point. The attacking team has a forced color of brown, while the VIP is forced black. Now, before you just go run off all willy-nilly to go crash your castle, you have an important decision ahead of you: What role do you want to play in the upcoming battle? Caste Siege is equipped with a class selection system for the attackers; you can choose to be a swordsman or an archer every time you respawn.
    Should you choose the noble path of the Swordsman (straight where we were looking in the picture of your starting spawn), you'll find yourself in this room. Grab your shotgun, pick up some spike 'nades, and make sure you don't forget the flare! Then head on over to the teleporter and prepare for battle!
    Archers will proceed forth into this armory, well-stocked with whatever kind of long range weaponry you prefer. Choose between a BR or Carbine as your primary weapon, and if one is avaliable, you can grab a Sniper as your backup. The two snipers are both set on a 60 second respawn timer. Make sure to stop by the shelves on the far wall for some good ol' frags and either a Bubble Shield or a Regenerator.

    Once through the teleporter, you will find yourself at one of two random teleporter spawns outside of the castle. Get ready for some action, and go forth to victory! FOR THE HORDE... or something. You know, whatever gets you goin'

    There's what you're up against. It's not that bad, now get in there and get fighting!

    You guys got the hard job... defend the castle! It's important to remember that your castle is... well, under siege. What that means to you is that no supplies are coming in. What THAT means is... weapons don't respawn. So, use your starting SMG whenever possible, and save those grenades, BRs, and precious power weapons for when you really need them. To be fair, ONE BR and ONE grenade will respawn every 45 seconds in each armory, but with 0 extra clips. If you're desperate for ammo, get killin'! Grab some of the weapons your foes leave behind (though they won't have much ammo either)
    See all those green corpses? Those were once the valiant defenders of the castle. Then, they apparently decided they were too good for the castle. Moral of the story: Stay in the castle. This pic not a good enough reason to stay indoors? Well, like any castle worth its salt, yours is equipped with a wide array of defensive measures:
    If you look closely, you can see a lonely fusion coil headed on its way into some oblivious attacker's face. There is one of these siege ballistae on each side, and they will continually fire upon the advancing attackers outside.
    Your main gate isn't left undefended, either. A quick grenade or precise spray of bullets down either side of the drawbridge will blow it to pieces, hindering the assault. The attackers CAN jump this gap, but it'll be close. One misjudgement and they'll end up in the moat (and for kicks and giggles, our moat is filled with fusion coils!)

    Also, up above, you can see the buckets of pitch ready to be dumped (in english: more fusion coils). This ledge can be accessed from either rampart, and if you crouch underneath the overhang you can push those coils over the side. If the bridge is out, the fall will set them off. If not, a quick shot or grenade will scatter your foes in a heartbeat.

    AND NOW...
    Me about to score at the destination! Go Team!
    [​IMG] immediately after my arrival (I'm the flaming dead one)
    Your health doesn't regenerate, so try to avoid losing it to stupid things like the Ballistae
    A purely aesthetic catapult. One of the attacker's spawn teleporters is right behind it.
    Don't feel too safe up in that tower! Seriously, undeadmarine100 stuck me from the floor. That was ridiculous!
    The general level of chaos around the drawbridge.
    I believe my plan was inherently flawed... yeah that's me.

    Anyway, thanks to all who took the time to read that entire mess, and a second thanks to all who decide to DL. This is my first map, so I understand that the interlocking and whatnot isn't perfect. I got most of it as close as I could. If you have a good, lighthearted group who just kinda enjoys a little chaos (and some occasional teabagging), this map can provide endless fun. Special thanks go out to Pablo Zoodles (My grav lifts aren't on instant respawn? D'oh!) and the rest of the beta-testing team: Fraekin Ninja, xPaRaNoId BiOx, DullPowerdevil, and undeadmarine100.

    Happy sieging!

    Download Castle Siege HERE

    Download Siege Warfare gametype HERE
    #1 Squiiddish, Jul 28, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008

    Senior Member

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    wow i really like the drawbridge. and everything about it. good geomerging and interlocking! and also |LONG POST|
  3. discopete019

    discopete019 Ancient
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    looks pretty good, when my que clears up i'll download
  4. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    i have these maps....if i like these kind of maps i qould rate it a 4/5, but i think that it is an okay siege map
  5. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Thanks, I tried to get everything to line up pretty straight. And I know it's a long post, I kinda got carried away XD
  6. xTuOx SN4K3BYT3

    xTuOx SN4K3BYT3 Ancient
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    This map looks really fun and you have used many advanced techniques, also i like the way youve used the back rooms + passage, not many maps on foundry have this feature. 8/10 Has my DL

    Keep em Comin :)
  7. RogueAvenger08

    RogueAvenger08 Ancient
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    GREAT Geomerging 5/5,
  8. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Thanks guys, sounds like it's not bad for my first attempt at forging =D
  9. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    For your first map this is absolutly great and I'll definatly download, the only problem is that it's not origional and I can't blame you, there's so many maps now that it's impossible to be origional.
  10. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Wait a minute, did you say swordsmen carry SHOTGUNS?!

    Ya know, ever since Halo 2, they've had this long glowing pointy thing called an Energy Sword, so was I jumping to conclusions too early when I saw swordsman and figured that they'd actually

    Anyway, pretty good castle map, although it could use more depth and the idea isn't original.

  11. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Originally, my swordsmen had swords. However, once they died, the defenders got them... And once they fell into the hands of the defenders it was jsut a teleporter camping-festival. Shotguns+custom powerup works a lot better
  12. Ali Legend

    Ali Legend Ancient
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    Actually they had them in Halo: Combat Evolved but you couldn't use them- only the elites (enemies) could. But this is off the point...

    This is perhaps not the most original idea (a castle), thoguh it is done well with many advanced forging techniques which are used effectively. Well made and hopefully fun to play- I'll just have to see :)
  13. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Wow i love the building you defend ..
    Looks sweet!
    And very good original idea !
    Great job!
  14. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    I know, as everyone has said, that the idea of a castle in an of itself isnot original. But I thought that the way I built the map, more as an ACTUAL CASTLE with essentially only one way in, and the way the game played out, that as a whole the map was kinda original...

    Lol do I at least get originality points for the ballistae? XD
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Very creative! Never seen all that Fusion coil stuff before. Downloaded!

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