My friend was a game developer. I was scheduled to join his team and start making videogames. I was pretty much supposed to do the initial creation and help with the artwork. Now he abandoned technology that isn't necessary to lead a natural life. Long story I guess. Still, this is a character render for one of his latest games. Also, please don't say he ripped this zombie idea from a zombie game, if anything he probably made that game in the first place, and two, every zombie looks the same. Oh and lastly, he did this completely with Photoshop.
Wow thats some serious skill right there. I'm gonna try to learn some graphic arts in school. Hopefully i can get good.
^----------I know right? He's been using Photoshop since he was 9. He learned only through experience and didn't even go to college for any type of art. Although he did go to college for programming, since he did make videogames.
Wow, that takes a lot of dedication and skill. He must really enjoy what he does. Using photoshop at 9 years old...makes me wonder how he heard of it and could afford it.
Wow thats freaky ! It looks great and if this was in a game i would say wow good graphics =] Good job!
i always find it strange when there's zombies that dont look like dead humans lol i really like the texture on the face