Hey guys. I really like to make maps and i love the community, but I think it is time for my retirement. This just means ill be playing halo a little less from now on. I will probably just review other peoples maps and do other stuff on the forums. Before I go I would like to take a while in making my last map pack. As you may have seen. I helped create the resolution map pack with Ki Jason. I would like to create one last map pack before I reach my retirement. If you would like to help with the map pack then please leave your name here and in time I will create a website with all my ideas for the maps. There will be six maps and very harsh requirements to help on the map pack. Im just a little frightened that people may steal my ideas, so the website will be private. When you are accepted to help with the map pack then you will gain acees the the ideas along with building sketches and plans. I hope we can all join together to make my last map pack possible. You can imput your own ideas into the map pack because the only sure thing about it is that it will have six maps. I have some ideas, but they are just a guideline to what we could do. Just leave your name here and I will consider you to be part of the team...
Looks like you are going to be making one final masterpiece, but you don't mention why you're retiring from halo 3 forge.
I'm still on the edge of not retiring, but its just a loss of interest really. Think about it... all the time people talk about how they are tired of foundary. Well its just that! It really has grown to the point that I hate foundary. With the new forge items you could create some really decent maps, but the problem is space. I have about 5 or 6 new ideas that didnt work because I ran out of space. I still have other things I could create, but I wish I could make them all. So many ideas are going to waste because bungie screwed up. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Bungie... if you ever get to read this. Please don't hide the problems in the game... Make a new map pack that fixes them. Give the game back its touch. Give it all to the forgers...
Stolen, I'd be happy to check out the maps before you release them to make sure there are no big issues, but I'm not interested in being in on the construction. Your first map pack was great, and I'm looking forward to more maps from you. And don't retire, just take a break. Foundry still has potential, although it obviously isn't perfect. PM me when you get some stuff finished and I'll check it out.
Dude, you just got here. Or at least, I just noticed you. And I have almost all your maps. But I know what you mean. I kinda retired for awhile, got sick of forging, played Rock Band and Assassin's Creed, then I came back after learning about interlocking, and that opened up a whole new world for me. That and the newly made Power Canvas.... you can do anything, it's great.
I second that... don't just give up. Take a break... when I get bored I head off and play matchmaking on Halo or COD4... maybe go chill with my clan in Blade Matches on AC4. Just for about 4-7 days... And I come back and everything is fresh and I can now find ways to work my ideas around the restrictions... (that's what asper did with boss battle... it woulda been so much easier on Foundry, but he needed the space so he made it work on Rat's Nest... note he was very stubborn about it, but I talked him into it) The point is, that yes Foundry is flexible, and yes Foundry is restrictive. BUT FOUNDRY ISN'T THE ONLY MAP THERE IS!!! You still have the old maps for a reason, and Rat's Nest is Foundry with a cooler/wider environment. Stolenpoo, maybe if you run those ideas that don't work by me then we can come up with a solution. A PM is fine, but if you need to just talk about it cuz its complicated or show it, then toss me a FR. Good luck to this map pack regardless of what happens. If you would like I can check it out, along with the hundreds of maps out there that want my reviews. Take care...