Statue Created by YOUR NAME HERE Supported Gametypes: Only supports capture the flag you can play any type of capture the flag on it thou Description Some of u may remember me from a my first map i posted yesterday if not go check it out its called Lander and its under aesthetic maps,well anyway here we go Statue consists of 1 big pile of stuff in the middle and most of it is interlocked so u dont have to tell me about that I know that sounds kind of messy but its not Weapons -sniper x 2(1 spare clip each) -rocket launcher x 2 (o spare clips each also spawns 60 seconds into game) -battle rifle x 8 -energy sword x 1 -needler x 2 Equipment -bubble shield x 2 -regenerator x 2 Vehicles -mongoose x 4 -warthog x 2 If i forgot anything from the weapons list please tell me _________________________________________________ This is an overview of the entire map This is the defenders base This is the attackers base(same as defenders) This is the sniper spot each base has 1 in the corner And finally this is the top of Statue _________________________________________________ This is my second map posted here so i'm open to suggestions and thanks to polished lake for making the geomerged money glitch foundry canvas so i could make this and if i did something wrong plz just tell me once dont spam about it Good job to squiidish for finding the secret i left in the post pingping legend found the thing i left in my post AS OF NOW I HAVE STARTED TO WORK ON V2 OF THIS MAP Download Statue
all but the sniper spot looks cool. it looks like its not interlocked. in that case you should put it in the lazy mapmakers thread
It looks like a fun map for the "Lazy Map Maker's Contest" and thats not an insult. But I dont see any interlocking. If there is please tell me that I'm wrong. It looks like the center of the map would get alot of action but the rest of the map looks a little empty. Mybe in a V2 you could add 1 or 2 more little buildings and not just bunkers.
there is interlocking if u look in the middle and even on the side of the "Statue" and yes i will add more buildings in V2 and it sides of the map will get some action maybe a lot because of the warthogs and mongooses
I cna see where you did some interlocking, but the map would look better overall if there was just more done to that effect. The map looks fairly good, if I could see all the spawn points I could form a better opinion (haveing problems, can't DL at the moment). I'll edit this later if I find out I'm wrong, but if you spawn outside of the statue, you're basically effed. All things accounted for, I'd say 3.5/5. Not bad, YOUR NAME HERE XD
i decided to leave that there to see how long it would take for some to find it i will post your name on post
Ping pong legend just found the secret so im going to add him to the list if anyone else finds it then tell me and i will post your name