Wow.. Your good at sticking boxes and crates together... No offense, but this doesnt look like anything to me... Try interlocking your objects or using something besides boxes.. they make it look trashy.. and using bridges for hands... speaks for its self...
I sense Robot creation is becoming the new cool thing to do. Nice work on this one, although this one would lose horribly to the Bungienator!
That looks like Bungienator's retarded little cousin, lol... Im confused as to what i am supposed to be seeing as well.
Oh now i see the sword is in the front but the sheild is just behind him, only it took a while to notice that....sry......... :squirrel_wtf:
I kind of agree with Orange, but Dave still made me chuckle. He looks more like a ski-jumper out of control to me with those long, thin feet, though... lol
i agree with project, i cant make out where every thing is, looks like its doing the splits to me :s Need more photos! (lmao)
I don't know what some of you are talking about, I definatly see what it's suppose to be. I think it is pretty cool. People say the Bunginator was better but that one was built off the ground. This one looks much harder since it is floating. The only thing I can suggest is neaten up some of place where different boxes connect.
i dont see a robot. if i didnt read the description i would think im looking at a jelly fish. not to be mean or anything but i dont see this as a triumph.