Hey everyone. I'm new to the ForgeHub forum but not new to Halo 3. I've been stuck in the Lvl. 25-26 forEVER. If anyone has the same problem or wants to team up with me to go into Team Slayer and rank up quickly, please post! I mostly play on weekends and maybe every other day during the week. I'm looking for 3 players that will be dedicated to working together and have a pretty good BR. So again, please post if you are interested! Thanks. Gamertag: ZiNEBLADE ^^^^ Link to Service Record. ^^^^ *I am a Captain Grade 2*
I can help ya. I'm at 28 right now. I try not to play TS unless I'm playing with a group. I'll add ya. I won't be playing for the next couple of days but I should be on next weekend to play.
Uhm, I'm ranging from 35 to 39 on Team Slayer. I need that 40. If it's too high for you then dw, if it's okay then my GT is my username
How much EXP do you have. The more EXP you get the harder it is to rank up due to the system thinks your good enough to be able to go up in that way. I have the same problem. I am a 39 and can't get my 40 because I have 741 EXP. It is sad but you may never get your Major and I may never get my Colonel.
i'm also stuck at a 40 on lone wolves, you wanna do lone wolves seeing as how we have comprable skill? I have yet to get going on that.
will u lose military rank if u derank exp wise? i have like 250xp right now. i might start to lose xp in rumble pit so i can get my 30 easier but ill play with these people right now. ill add u in a bit joker.
I'm stuck at 32, but I don't really bother with it. If you wanna get a team going, I'd be glad to. GT: Eduardo Dubs