Download: Graveshift People thought it was impossible to make a good racetrack on blackout. I beg to differ. I wanted to make a track on a map other than foundry or avalanche and one that has little to no go tracks on it. I wanted to pick one of the legendary maps so it was either Ghost town or Blackout. I figured it would be hard to live up to the legendary Goose Town, so I picked Blackout. Here it is,enjoy. PICS
wow really nice! yet another race map on blackout! with lots of interlocking. and in this one its very hard to fall unlike other blackout maps. now i can enjoy a blackout racing map without falling! But I can't play it without a link to the map.=( But, Awesome Job! 5/5.
Looks great man, wd. even tho it looks hard to fall off, i still think this track would take some skill. I like skill.
wow are you kidding? you thought blackout was bad for race tracks? make floors passing through the lower levels of blackout like a catacomb, and make more than 1 story of race parts and blackout makes it perfect. I can tell that is what you were thinking when you made this map, good job
I don't know who thinks that blackout is impossible to race on, but your map is definitely sweet. A lot of people don't interlock much on racetracks. Yours looks great though! -jelly
sorry peole I forgot to put the link to the map in the post. The link is on first post now. Download: Graveshift
wow. cool. Nicely interlocked. i like the way you made it around the map instead of cheating and putting it above i will que it but my xbox is broke right now
It looks good and unique because it is made on blackout which you don't see that often. The track looks a little choppy in some places so no download for ne but that means just keep trying@!#$!
Not that many racetracks, I remember playing a racing map on blackout, I fell off countless times, so I'm looking foward on playing this.
Looks like an OK map. From what I've seen in the pictures, there are some spots that could racers could fall off. I would suggest putting more barriers. Also some parts may not be wide enough but I think it will do. I will give you creadit for making this track on Blackout. 3.5/5
wow, this map out of all blackout maps, looks really fun. Other maps were frustrating for its only narrow and very difficult, i am expecting good results for this one!
There is really only 1 part where racers can fall off and if they do they are just mental. The track is double wide all the way through. Dont judge a book by its cover.
Wow i tried to make a race track on blackout but gave up =] This looks great ! Gutted if you fall off though =] Great job!