say i wanted to take an old map and reforge it with geomerging and smoother interlocks etc.etc. would ppl around here get on my case for not getting permission from the guy who created the map? it's not like it's worth money or anything, and i would still give the guy credit for the original creation and only give myself credit for the reforge.
I dunno Hoff, there's some folks who tend to get pissy about that kind of thing. My advice is to reference the original author in the map description, and in whatever thread(s) you post it in. It may also be wise to say "this map was based on this map by so and so" in the pregame lobby whenever you play it...
I think you should at least contact the person and ask them for permission. Who knows, maybe they'll want you to do it.
well, if it was one of my maps, I would atleast want them to mention me some how, but besides that I wouldn't care too much. maybe notifying them just out of shear admiration
as long as you don't take credit for it its fine just mention something like"i made some improvements to the original design " or something along the lines of that
Should attempt to get permission from the original author. If he/she says yes, then go ahead. If they say no, obviously, you shouldn't. If you can't reach the author or don't get a response, that you can probably do it, but definitely give them credit.
some forgers would take it in an offensive way, but i do think you should ask the original forger for permissian. and who would think thatd be really cool?
If I were you I'd ask the guy for permission. It's not us you have to worry about- he's the one who may get ticked off and say you "stole his map". And if you get accused of map theft, you get the banhammer- even if you only did it to improve it, and even if you gave him credit. Baseline, ask him if it's ok before you post it.