Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ostemb0r, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    I present to you, Turrican, a truly competitive arena map, smoothly engineered within an inspiring grand gyroscope structure.

    Turrican is an instantly playable & fun arena that will entertain & impress you & your friends. Its classic symmetrical design & similarity to Guardian makes it very easy to navigate whilst advanced bouncing skills will give you the edge.

    The centre of the map is easily accessible from many points & is the arena's natural point of convergence. Here you will discover hidden ambush points & routes to the upper level. The central structure of the map is encircled by a two tier fully enclosed claustrophobic tunnel system. The two levels of tunnel entirely surround the centre & provide you with multiple choke points with easy access to the breakneck speed nucleus.

    Turrican is perfect for FFA slayer parties of up to 6 players, Team Doubles & Team Slayer. Team Slayer of 4v4 is a highly frenzied competition which must be experienced by all fast paced FPS Fans, trust me ;).

    In keeping with the tradition of my previous map (Rabbitt) there is a hidden Splaser to be located & the signature exploding wall is again featured, only this time it can cause pain & death. Please enjoy this map & post some feedback or drop me a line via PM. Thanks to Forge Hub for some of the techniques & tools utilised within & thanks to my friends at Podtacular for your feedback during play testing.

    Game Type not required, standard AR starts; it is jam packed full of weapons. MLG & Oddball variant’s are in production & will be available soon.

    Link to Bnet

    - TURRICAN -
    - SHOOT OR DIE -


    Central Area
    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/9e504b3ec2.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/ae08ed1db4.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/7a28b46adc.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/2eb696967d.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/47bdea0a6b.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/50205002d3.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a3b67b7c1d.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/2841f427b6.jpg[/img]

    [img width=800 height=600]http://img3.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/96a9401017.jpg[/img]

    Thread title edited by Furious. Map name only please.
  2. Grimz13

    Grimz13 Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    Those staircases in the middle look quite chunky, i dont know if those will play smoothly. another thing i noticed was lack of scenery in the middle area, but if you put some dumpster or crates down i think your good. Definately look into fix that staircase though.
  3. Gavintaft433

    Gavintaft433 Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    yeah the stairs do look sloppy :squirrel_nono:
  4. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    I'd say out of everything you could have interlocked, interlocking those stairs was a bad idea. Other than that I'll have to give this one a try, it looks like it could be fun. Nice work.
  5. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    Yea I think yo should fix the stairs but Ill check it out.
  6. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    thanks fo rthe comments, yep have to agree the stairs are a little wonky to say the least, to be honest once i realised the gameplay was there i rushed through the final processes
  7. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    sorry to bump but seriously guys,

    I for one am v.pleased this community exists & fully support what this website is looking to achieve. This is why i have i begun posting my maps here in the hope of developing myself & the communities skills etc....

    I was hoping for a bit more feedback than "oh the stairs are wonky" X3

    does anyone have any constructive criticism at all???
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: TURRICAN (Arena Style Map)

    Yes. No bumping.

    Actually I do have some feedback for you. I downloaded this a while ago and checked it out.

    Map Layout
    Simple, but it looks fun.

    Item Placement
    There might be too much stuff on this map. One of each powerup, lots of equipment, rockets and sword. It's a pretty small map for all that stuff. I would recommend moving camo to the corner that has nothing in it. If I remember correctly, it's in the same corner as the rockets.

    Speaking of rockets, horrible placement in my opinion. I do not like hidden weapons on the map. Maybe take out that pallet so people know the rockets are back there.

    Map Aesthetics
    The map looks pretty sloppy. I agree that gameplay is more important, but you should have taken the extra time to make it look nice too. It's often the difference between a good map and a great map.

    I disagree with one of the other posters. I think interlocking the stairs was a good idea, but you should not have stopped there. There's one spot on the map where you have like 5 fence walls to prevent players from squeezing through a spot. With interlocking, it would have only taken 1, and it would have looked way better.

    Also, what's the deal with the fusion coils? They constantly explode outside the map. Just for effect? In my opinion, if it has no impact on the game, leave them out. They can cause lag. Also, the constant sound of explosions is annoying and distracting.

    ostemb0r, I'm not trying to rip into your map, but you kinda asked for it with that bump. Like I said earlier, I like the layout of this map. I just think the aesthetics and balance need some tweaking. Keep designing and building levels, but put a little more effort into it and I'm sure you'll get better feedback than "the stairs are wonky."

    As for the rest of the community in general (not just the people who posted here), let's hear some better comments than "looks nice." Otherwise we might as well be on the Bungie forums.
  9. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    Thank you,
    No need to fear that i'll feel your ripping in, thats what i came here for, so my response is thank you.

    To address your points, yep too many weapons for sure, when i made it i had in mind a fun arena & wanted to ensure due to the fact you are likely to run into an enemy within 10 secs that weapons were always close by. This will definitley be rectified in the updated version to give the map a more profesional gameplay feel ratherthan run & gun.

    Hmm, I like hidden weapons, can you tell me why you think its a bad idea.

    I agree, i got frustrated with the 5 fence wall part, should have been more patient & i would have delivered a better solution, will update this.

    I added them for atmosphere, but there are too many & i agree the noise is definitley annoying, the gameplay effect intended was that the gas canister (can remebrer proper name) spawns every 60 secs next to teh explosions can fly off & take down shields. Probably get away with it, in a just for run & gun map but agree i need to remove this, or at least tone it down, a lot.

    Thankyou for your feedback dude, appreciated.
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    It means that you as the author, and anyone who has played the map a lot, will have a significant advantage over people who haven't played before. I agree that power weapons should sometimes be out of the way (like the shotgun on Guardian). That way there is a risk (getting cornered and killed) and a reward (the power weapon). But, the location of the power weapon should always be clear and obvious.

    Think about it, have you ever come across a hidden weapon in a Bungie map? I can think of only 1 hidden weapon, and it wasn't a power weapon (Mad props to whoever can name the weapon and map, it was Halo 2, send guesses via PM so we stay on topic). Bungie doesn't hide weapons because it is poor map design.

    Also, often immature kids hide weapons so that they have an advantage over their friends in the map and can brag about their "leet skilz." Real players and map designers do not need to resort to such gimmicks.

    But like I said, out of the way is fine, but not hidden. That's why I suggested removing the pallet.
  11. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    The stairs seem a little iffy in the middle. It seems like somebody can try to run away and get stuck in those stairs, which would seem annoying. Also looks a little bland, you might want to try adding scenery. Then i'll download it.
  12. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    Yea dude you need to fix it up a little bit make it neater and fix the interlocking fo the stairs if you can and make them all even together. Also and crates, barrels, and stuff to give it more depth while playing.
  13. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    In my opinion and from experience. you can balance a map in a certain way that hidden weapons do not effect gameplay. it is possible. especially if there is only one way to get in and out of where the weapon is located. then if sombody sees you then its easy to be killed. like hide a weapon in a large creack in a wall. then while you are comming back out you get killed.
  14. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    Thank you for your opinions lads. I understand the hidden weapon issue much better now & the stairs, well i think they'll need to stay inter-linked but need to look tidier. I will make changes as per suggestions & enything else i find & re-post for testing when done.

    In addition, what do you think of the spawn points? given its a small map i found it hard to get uber amounts in & make them as symmetrical as possible, any suggestions on how to improve them?
  15. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    I have hiddern Gravity Hammers on some of my maps, its sort of a tridition, but they're well hidden so its like a reward for snooping around the parts of the map that arn't really part of the action.
  16. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    I like it but the stairs do look choppy.
  17. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    It looks like it could be pretty good but there are some problems I think you need to clean up:

    The stairs, they could look good interlocked at that end like that, that's a good idea, however they all need to be even so it looks good like that.

    Hidden weapons is one of the easiest ways you can ruin your map. It is terrible map making technique to include them, although some of you may have hid weapons before, if you want to make a good map, you should not hide them again. Regardless of how you get to weapon, it will ruin your balance and gameplay unless you can easily see the way in. If you have a destructable wall that needs to be destroyed, that's fine, so long as you can see that you need to get back there. Also, power weapons usually shouldn't spawn at the start.

    More scenery needs to be placed around the map to make it look better.

    Your spawn points don't look very good in the pics. They should be facing where your going to need to go after spawning, and should not be vulnerable, meaning just after spawning, you can avoid getting killed.
  18. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    All this stuff about hidden weapons lol. You might of been better off not tellin everyone that they where in ur map ostemb0r :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
  19. ostemb0r

    ostemb0r Ancient
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    right! i need help, is anyone willing to voluteer to get these stairs straigtened up (& keeping them interlocked) ive tried & it drove me mental. Im sure a more skilled forger could get a positive result much quicker than me, please anyone??

    Also, all feedback so far is much appreciated & i will be implementing a lot of teh suggestions. Just need help with the stairs, please.

  20. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    I'll have a go, and tell you if I get them straitened. I won't touch any other part of the map.

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