
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by D0NATELLO, Jan 24, 2008.


    D0NATELLO Ancient
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    Menagerie is a small to medium sized arena type map designed for Slayer and 1 Flag CTF. In the middle of the map is a tower, the top of which is the "base" in CTF and a great position in slayer.

    Download Menagerie
    Download Menagerie 1 Flag CTF
    Download Menagerie Slayer

    (A wide view of Menagerie)

    There are enough entries to the tower to make it difficult to defend, but the real challenge will be for the attackers. Use teamwork, and think simultaneous multiple-sidded assaults. Even more difficult is finding cover when in a lower area, just try to keep moving.

    (At the base of the tower)

    Utilize cover along the outer walls and equipment to plan your attack. Power weapons are few in number, and difficult to reach.

    (One of the outer walls enclosing Menagerie)

    Once the flag has been captured, there is a long route to the return point. The flag is touch return, and doesn't respawn.

    (Almost there...)

    For the defenders, the base seems small, but it is very open. There are many routes to the top. Don't stay all in one place, spread out, and try to hold the enemy off while they are far away. Respwn time is shorter, so they may be coming at you rapidly; don't get comfortable.

    (Camping is not a legitimate strategy)

    In slayer, the idea is to use teamwork. Communicate where the enemy is, and work together to take/hold areas. The idea was not for this to be a BR map although there are many of them, and it is the starting weapon. Try to get to one of the power weapons and establish dominance that way. Also, use equipment items and cover throughout.

    Enjoy! (And please offer feedback.)
  2. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Looks like you put some thought in to this, but I would add some detail to the map. Detail is something that goes unnoticed if it is there but noticed if if it isn't there. You should add groupings of barrels or some pallets leaning on walls. Street cones are also nice. These can take a map from a 9 to a 10. This can also be used to eliminate bare areas you have. But I like the Layout.
  3. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    It looks good from what I see. Will DL and check it out
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Looks nice. Somebody remind me to check out this map after I'm done looking at my current DL list.
  5. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    This was really fun. The floating platforms around the "tower" were something that I have not seen much of. I did think that the Rocket Launcher was too out of the way to get without being owned hard and fast. But over all, this is a great map.

    Oh, and I liked the firebombs.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I think I'm going to disagree with Kapura a little on this one. I actually liked the remoteness of the rocket launcher. You need the grav lift to get there, right? If you want it, you have to get a buddy to cover you.

    I will also disagree on the abundance of grenades and firebombs. I think a lot of grenades actually encourages camping, because you never need to go far to find the nade you want.

    I really like the layout of this map. At first it seems symmetrical but then you notice the small things that make big differences in map flow. I like how there are multiple ways to every spot on the map. That's always good.

    When I was checking out this map, I was thinking of it as a Slayer map. I'm curious how balanced it is for CTF. Whatever the case, it does look like a fun Slayer map.

    My biggest concerns about balance are the sniper perch and the trip mine perch. Both have good views of the map and plenty of grenades nearby. However, I never actually played a game here, so my concerns might not be that valid.

    Anyway, very nice map. I'm glad I downloaded it.

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