CODE RED I Aaronator I Supported Gametypes: Master Chief (VIP Variant) This is my first posted map. Map Description WARNING SYSTEM BREACH. CODE RED. FLOOD CONTAINMENT....BREACHED. Initiating Lockdown................All switches off Estimated time....till...Floo....take...over....3...minu.......... [static] There are two teams. One has a VIP and the other doesn't. The VIP is Master Chief and the others on his team are soldiers. People on the opposite team are flood. They try to kill the Master Chief. While trying to avoid the flood Chief must attempt to turn on 8 "switches". After he will need to use the grav lift from the first room to get to the other 2 grav lifts in the room the flood started in (they are hidden in the room with the cylindars with flood in it) to reach the exit switch (9th location). 2 minutes into the games the power goes off and it is extremely hard to see, this is where you can use the flares to get brief glimpses of light. Flood have gravity hammers Weapons 2x rockets 3x Brs 1x sniper 1x shotgun Equipment 4x flares (used for when power goes out two minutes into the game) 1x gravity lifts (used to find the other two hidden grav lifts in the level) _________________________________________________ Armory Flood Respawn Area(Custom Power Ups prevent flood from being able to pick up weapons) Pillar of Science!!!(brings soldiers back to life...but not super soldiers=[) Telepads(randomly teleports you to one of the two other telepads) Exit Switch Before the Breakout After the Breakout (10 seconds) Ghost... ??? Thank you for downloading if you do. p.s. there is a secret in the map if you find out what it is pm me it and i will tell you if your right. _________________________________________________ Download Code Red Download Chief Gametype
nice map considering it is infection on cold storage. you could make it a little better by interlocking or something. 4/5 for the idea
It looks a little messy. I don't think Cold Storage is very forgeable map evan though I have seen some wonderful creations on it. I doubt this will stay on many harddrives. I would much rather use your skills on foundry or maps that have better forge potential. Still looks like a good idea I will give you credit for that.
What weapons do the zombies have? If you want to prevent Flood from picking up weapons then just specify that in the gametype and remove that messy looking custom powerup thing. I Like your switch ideas and the telepads are awesome!
Looks like a fun idea, I'll DL when I figure out why I can't get on, be back with more comments then. For now, looks like 4/5