This map looks pretty cool. I like the idea of making a hill like this on Foundry (the whole map looks like a big hill). I like the idea of the map, although it may not be fun for that long. Does the map only support Slayer? You could setup a cool CTF here, where you'd have to try to get the other teams base and back without getting killed by the players on their team with ghosts. It'd be like a to sided Tremors. I noticed how you had all the objects interlocked and glitched into the ground perfectly. How did you get those double boxes to be perfect like that, and still in the ground? I've tried to make stuff look good with the glitch, but it always looks terrible. Those double boxes are the perfect height and everything though.
Right now, it's only slayer. Maybe double team VIP would work. I didn't think about CTF or objective games because the theme of the map isn't really about objectives, it's about murdering your opponents with a big purple death machine. There's just too many other great CTF maps out there for anyone to play it here. Trial and error. A lot of it. Basically I followed the instructions in the Forging 101 and set up double boxes to act as guides. Even then the boxes would sometimes be crooked or slanted. I basically got lucky.
And it took you how long to finish this map, it looks like it took like 2 or 3 weeks of my time if i had to make it, lets just say interlocking is a bi*** for me and leave it at that, o and good work again.
Probably about 12 hours of Forge time over the course of 2-3 days. When I start on a project I pretty much ignore everything else in my life until it's done. I held it up against the horizontal wall so that it floated sideways, then saved and quit. When you start back up it stays where you were holding it. Thanks. I'm always happy when people come back to the thread after they play to leave feedback. It's probably the closest thing to a mini-game map that I'll ever make.
I was just looking through the huge assortment of maps and this one caught my eye. It looks really fun. Ill give it a try and get back to you.
it reminds me of whackamole with people jumping out and you trying to hit them. maybe with a series of tunnels under neath and a couple of more holes you can make this a new mini game?
wow, this map looks very very good. instant download into processor commencing. i give you a 5.5 out of 5
I see this map has been brought back from the dead....I'm glad because its so different than most maps currently out at the moment. I enjoy sitting the ghost Covenant Death Scooter on top of the shield door and letting it bounce up and looks like the covenant death scooter has hydraulics. Too much fun.