How it came to be: Hello everyone ass you can see my name is Brain Hacker and this is my 2nd map YAH!!!!!! and i recently failed at making a second race track so to raise my hopes at trying to being be the best forger i made this little quicky i only spent around 3 or 4 hours on it but its fun i been playing it for a week looking for bugz so i hope you like it Description: the human start in a little room marked "A" (in the pcituer bellow) and try to get to "B" but as they run from cover to cover they are being fired apon by the infected in a little sniper post ( beutifully displaded buy the second picture) so when they reach B they hit a telleportter and are at "C" then they get to "D" then "E" and finally when and if the humans arrive at "F" lol finish there is one custom power up that makes them invicable and one last telleporter that take them to they infected were the human choppes down the infected. Summary: The humans try to get past they infected poeple's attepts at sniping them to reach the end killing the infected Imported Info: Everyone has only one life At "A" there are 2 bubbles shields At "C" there are 2 flares At "E" there is one deploable cover At "F" there's a custom power up that makes u invicable Pictures: The Overview ( out letters) The Overview ( with letters) Sniper tower Links: Game Varient - Sharp Shooter Map Varient - 3 Levels Goodbye: I hoper you all like the map and try it before you comment on the gamplay and have fun any type of positive crytisisum is wlecome PS: o yah i cant spell at al lol HF
Wow I can imagine how much fun this map would be. Yet, it would suck if the sniper was bad lol Great map 4.5/5
This is a good idea but I've seen it done multiple times and this is by far one of the bests that I've seen. It's a little messy and I don't see that much interlocking and it seems like there is to many defensive equipment.
lol yah it suck alot wen i am infected lol i suck at sniper but thanks THANK U SPEEDY i just saw ur comment i am playing one fixing it and I LOVE YOUR MAPS! yah so ...ty
This is a really good map for the Duckies variant, I'm defiantly going to download because this seems harder and funner! 5/5
not very original its just like duck hunt, but it looks like the best map for it tho, im gunna dl even tho im tryna cut back on foundry maps
Wow this looks very neat ! I would have taken pics of you actually playing the game but apart from that it looks great! I love how the map has 3 levels .. Great job! =]
I have seen variations of a map like this before, so to me it is old. If you search hard enough there are probably at least 10 more variations.
You know I've always hated duck hunt but this looks like it could be better. I'll definatly DL. Maybe next time interlock more.(V2)
There are many many versions of this map, and no matter how good the map is, it seriously all depends on the sniper's skill. For example, I was playing with some people on a similar map and when I or one other guy was the sniper everyone died, yet when anyone else (all of them were noobs lol) were the sniper, hardly anyone got killed. Looks good but no D/L because I don't wanna play another practically the same game. One flaw I seem to have always found is that the humans/ducks/whatever the -blam- you call them in your gametype are can just camp at spawn and not die, and the zombie/duck hunter can jump out the windows. Also, the idea has practically no originality. Sorry to be brutal, but its true.
so when the human gets to the end what happenes. Does he pick up a custom power up so he can kill the infected?
yah it gives they INVACIABLITY so they can kill them o yah look at my new sign boydy made it for me TY BOYODY I LOVE YOU
A Very Fun Map But You should Try to interlock things because me and my friends were playing and im somehow ended up inside one of ur boxes XD Lol But Great fun 4.5/ 5 Good luck with future maps
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! You said, " ass you can see my name is Brain Hacker" lol But good job on the map, looks fun!
Wow this looks like a very creative map! There's really no need for interlocking so that is out of the way The idea of the game is pretty good but the people can escape really easily. you might want to use the king of the hills idea so they don't feel the urge to escape. ATM there is one fatal flaw that i can think of, well two actually! first is there a time limit cause the humans could just hide i suppose but the second one is that the zombie can just block the teleporter! You might want to fix that! if it isn't possible then no worry! 8.5/10 !!!