In addition to the wierd cloud thingy, there is two eyes on the back on a dumpster in foundry, and some think there is a face on a piece of wall on last resort and that part of the cliff on snowbound seems like a face. Ive seen some wierd voice things, like master chief swearing or screaming "Yahhooooo!" like mario.
Omg, im gonna have to look for that. its probably on foundry.... Oh, also, in the back ways of foundry behind the fence in the tunnel near the office, if you get back there, there is a sign that has a picture of a soccer ball with a blue aura around it and it says "it glows"
Thatd be the ark. When i first saw that, i was like "WTF?!?! Theres a brute taking a leak in the corner!" so i killed him and all my friends were like "liar!" so i showed them the film and they were like "WTF?!!!"
I think that the grunt on the last level is a real crack-up. I know they had a grunt in the first halo and this grunt was even better.
I just like random grunt dialogue and brute yells. Some of it is just funny, even if it isn't really an "Easter egg" per se.
"Ill polish your boots, ill polish your boots!..." lolz There is alot of funny stuff that gets unlocked through the IWHBYD skull. Marines yell "For Spartaaaaaa!!!," grunts say even funnier stuff.
Those eggs on Sandtrap, I think they are actually a glitch. Because in Halo 2 Vista, when someone didn't put a skin on their map, It would appear exactly like that. Fix BBCode
Interesting. But why would they be in the same place on every tower? Bungie probably did it as a shout out to the glitch you are talking about.
The weirdest glitch i found was when you die on high ground in the base, the one were the flag is, if you die in that room and you put your death cameara through the computor, you hear some original halo music, when i first found it i was like wtf. :squirrel_wtf:
No, they're "test default textures" I think. It appears to have letters on it, so I think they're testing to see how they are warped when put on a curved surface.
There's an Egg on sandtrap where a Missle Pod is, not the one on top of the stone structure. It says some stuff and then "...Humanity 1 Flood 0"
All of the good easter eggs have already been said. Anyone remember the scarab gun though? THAT was pretty cool. I was hoping there'd be one in H3, but I guess not.
there is one easter egg in the lever where you fight the two scarabs. right after killing them you go all the way up the left side of the structure and you hear different music. idk what game it's from, it doesn't sound like halo, and i know i'm not good at explaining, so look it up XP
he means on the left sidfe of the huge building you have to go all the way up the left side of the structure and then yes, you will hear a diffrent music scheme. (in the level the covanant)
Thats wierd! i gotta try that. I like when after you get the IWHBYD skull you hear the halo music. __________________ Also, the IWHBYD, i was playing with it on, and i heard stuff like; a female human-"Rob, stop stealing my kills!" a grunt "crap, not again!" after dieing
mine is the satellite man on standoff that can only get to using the pancamera. Those who know of it know what im talking about.