this seems fair enough since i like mosh pits lol I love the interlocking and the smoothness of this map 5/5
ooh very bad hill spawns. camping is inevitable. and its hard to clear the hill. look at mlg's hills. never ne cover and takes skill to control
Looks like a fun map to play on. But, those teleporters are just screaming for campers. And to add a little touch, you could have turned those bridges upside down, and did a little better interlocking with those little buildings. De5troy999
this is a very nice map really good idea but why is it that you sig is a monkey and if you click it you go to here
cause people r curious bout my super awesome monkey helmet and they want to see more of my creations haha
I like the idea and it is clean cut. It's not a completely original idea but it is a new interpretation of the idea and looks like it promises good gameplay.4/5 Check Out My map Here ODINS EYE