this looks like a very well thought about map. it is a simple mechanism, but it has effective results. i might use this in a map i will make and i will give full credit to you coyote from haloartificer for the sliding door idea. definitely a dl from me.
everyone must read what im saying!!!!!!! this door idea is great, i made on awhile ago, but theres one problem that can become pretty big if you want the door to stay open. Whenever i tried to do this, the dumpster wouldnt stay where it was, mine was 3 dumpsters wide tho, so that couldve been the problem. Ok, what i mean is that i had the 3 dumpsters, they fell, and then after a little, one spawned on top of a different dumpster in a different spot, and it screwed the whole thing up.
That is a problem with setting the minimum to the maximum, try interlocking 2 with 30 second respawns, one spawn at start, the other not spawn at start, then the second one respawns when the 1st one disappears.
You would have to be pretty dumb to be tricked into this, but very well put together, Nice! 4 out of 5.
Wow. Talk about something useful for a map! I love the idea of using the power-ups to be the "motion detector", if you will, for opening the door. Only one thing puzzled me as I was reading your post; how can the "door" reset itself in 10 seconds? I am not sure how you can get the Grav-Lifts, dumpsters, etc. to spawn that quickly. Either way, I think it is an excellent idea to incorporate into maps... Heck, I might go try to use it right now!
i love this idea of this kind of switch! nice map and i might use it for a map i make later. thanks for making this! 5/5
well good to see ppl figure it out... this is old... yeah well good job it seems to be spreading and a lotta ppl use theses switches now.
there are many different ways to make a slide door. i like this one because it can be opened from both sides. Thanks for the tip