Lander Made by Pettifer7 Description hello, this is the first posted map so i am open to criticism i'm only 12 and most people say the 10,11,12 year olds cant make good maps or post well but i'm about to prove them wrong Lander is a ship map on foundry and just so you all know i dont need to be told that its been done 50 times before The map Lander consists of,The ship, The control tower, Small parking lot, Tractor beam, and landing pad _________________________________________________ This is the right side of the ship other side of ship, srry for it being blurry plz dont spam about it inside the ship 1 battle rifle leaning up against each box and RPG leaning on right box, srry for it being blurry plz dont spam about it Tractor beam(will not be there if gametype is not king of the hill) cockpit (srry not really detailed lol) landing Pad has a 2 fork lifts on it 1 with a crate and 1 with 4 fusion coils Spawn area it has 1 truck carrying a warthog and one carrying barrels and a dumpster entrance 2 launch center Launch center(has 2 snipers in it) There are no images on just here because i couldn't figure out how(plz dont spam about it) Weapons: sniper x 6 (2 are cannnons on the ship) battle rifle x 2 rocket launcher x 1 shotgun x 2 sparten laser x 1 ( it is hidden so if u can find it pm me and i will add your name to post) I'm hoping to get a 4 or higher even though it is my first map on forge hub oh yes i almost forgot if u can think of a good name i will add it and add your name to the post Download Lander
i dont know how they got blurry, did them all on photo bucket but those 2 just showed up like that i i couldn't fix them
Even though I love snipers, you can't bunch them up in a real combat map. It becomes a major, major camping spot. Also, try to spread out respawn points, overwise they become easy targets for spawn killing. The ship's roof looks sloppy. And most of it looks like it took about an hour or two. Sorry, but I'm basing my review on the pictures and information. In my personal opinon. Think about Version two. For now, 2/5
omg people stop talking about the weapons it does not matter if its balenced because it is aesthetic and i added weapons for decoration
Some of the screenshots are blurry .. But the map looks great from the rest of the screens ! Good job! =]
if its only aesthetic why is there a hill, indicating you are meant to play on KOTH? It looks alright but it doesn't strike me as amazing. I thi kyou should modify it a bit and turn it into a proper game.
wat i get from his posts is the gametypes are a bonus and therefore don't worry about them just tell him if you like the Aesthetic part of the map and i personally think its very creative but with time he will be posting stuff that would make you stare at it ok so sit back and watch a forger develope, and be supportive and this is not directed at anyone in particualar