OK, this is a map I designed for use with a machinima I've been coming up with. It features three rooms, and a beach house. The rooms and beach house contain various weapons, and the beach house has a few light vehicles. The garage has a Warthog, a Gauss, and a Prowler. The small room next to the garage has been turned into a weapons store room, and the central area of the base has been turned into a briefing center. And here are the pics! Okay, and the link to the map...http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16562422&viewreplies=true#end
The pictures are so tiny. Do you think you could enlarge them for us? Upload them to www.imageshack.us or something.
Actually I always do use imageshck.us, but I made a mistake when I browsed for pics. Well, lesson learned, and the pics have been enlarged.
K, if ur gonna make sumthin thats supposed to be realistic-ish dont just lay all the weapons on the ground.... everything about this screams "forge from 3 months ago" instead screaming "machinima" sorry for being a jerk, its harsh crits.
im sorry, but when I saw this thread I thought that all you did was throw stuff randomly on the ground...how is this a machinima map?
Well, the design was basicly four really lazy, selfish, messy and basicly really annoyed soldiers, who hate each other, and have thus done their best to block themselves off from each other. One guy has blocked off the bunker, another blocked off the room next to the garage that leads to the broken pipe room. Another uses a plasma turret to keep people out of the tower. And the last one keeps to the beach. That was the premis that I built the map on. I also made another map in which I turned Last Resort into a shopping mall. But that's a whole other map.
That's the point. I made this more for my own purposes, but I've played it with friends, and we've all had fun with it. I made it for my own idea, but it can be fun in other uses. Personally, I find it best with Slayer game types, but not anything like SWAT, more like classic Slayer types.
Sorry dude, I know you want to share but if something is built for your purposes, I don't think the other members of FH will really care for it.
Well, yeah, but like I said, it's fun with basic slayer, so try it out if you want. If not then I have no actual problem with that.
Thanks for a well put together post, Zhane. I appreciate you built this for your own purposes and so on, so I won't comment other than to say I hope your project, whatever it was, went well. Welcome to Forge Hub and I hope to see you around.
Ouch guess I'm lucky. I've gotten a triple red ring, and yet my box has never failed me, well I did have a problem a couple weeks ago, but I got it all sorted out. Guess I'm just lucky.
seriously, there is no reason everything in forge has to be exact. Whenever i do foundry walls, I never interlock them because who cares. just play the map and enjoy it.
I'm not sure I understand the clumped weapons. If you're trying to make armory or something of that sort you should organize and make these weapon sets look a lot more neat. Other than that this maps looks alright, might be good if a certain story line was put to it. Nice work.
This is one of the most thrown together maps I have ever....... Ohhhhhh.....Its supposed to be messy. Well then, I say you have succeeded.... A+
YEah. I built it for my own purposes, but it's still fun on basic slayer game types. Also I made some mods recently, so the map the link leads to isn't the completed one, so you might want to go on my profile on B.net and get the new one, or stick with the link. Theres not much difference. I just cleaned up some of the weapons, and took away some of the Land Mines. I layed down too many due to an...experiment I did while I was making it.