Breakneck Created by DomiBoy Greatly inspired by Halo 2's "Headlong," the urban environment leans players towards more strategic gameplay. Knowing it was impossible to recreate the whole map, Dom says Oi created a new map from the waterfront side of Headlong, including the two bases connected by a teleporter and excluding the bridge and the moreover barren part of the map. He chose to build around the main bridge within the map, opening the map up very much yet still leaving enough cover, along with many exits and entryways. Now a wonderful map for exciting 4v4 team battles, Breakneck's gameplay will male you want to keep it saved on your hard drive forever. Download Breakneck View Original Forge Hub Thread for more Info
im glad this map was posted awesome, i just dled from the original one too just before this was featured, and congrats on it too, this map looks like a definite must have, great job with this
hmm. this is an awesome map. you know i've never seen it before but its great. i can see how headlong may have inspired you to make this map. the great height to it as well as the buildings being a little similar in my eyes, and headlong was just a great map, my favorite. and congratulations on the feature
Need "Read More" link!! Darn you journey's keep forgetting that. =P Anyways, I have loved this map ever since I first played it, the one thing in particular is the fact of the area that was used to make this map, 1/3 of foundry, in the far back side (by the large doors). You never see that done, I'm really happy to see a feature go to dom, as he deserves it, this map was much fun, and I hope to see more great features like the ones you have been putting up lately guys.
i actually finally got to play this map for a brief time today. i've been trying to play it, and it just so happened that when i joined my friend's party today, this was the map that was playing. anyway. i love the layout of the map. the headlong feel is definitely there... well headlong without warthogs banshees and ghosts... but you know what i mean. it played terrifficly and i couldnt ask more from this type of map. this one really deserved the front page.
Jesus; somebody is a little feature happy.(3 in 4days) Anyways. the map looks great. undoubtably feature worthy. I really like the bridges. The greatest aspect in my opinion is the interlocking. good ideas with that interlocking. Also, the layout is great, it really gives that indoorsy feel.
Sweet, I remember telling Dom how much I loved this map a little while ago in the IRC. Now its featured and I dont need to tell him how awesome it is.
Good map, i played it with Dom a few days ago, i thought it was very thought out, and the gameplay was pretty good for our 3v3 battle...But compared to the other featured maps it is lacking a bit, theres alot of good structures, but no "Wow" factor that makes me want to download
i remember playing this a long time ago and i thought it was great and i coulndt wait to see it featured. i really like the interlocking that he did and everything looks flawless which is great. greatjob on the featured map it was well deserved.
wow headlong from halo2... sort of has the idea of it but headlong is way bigger. but anyway nice interlocking and geomerging.
wow a reltively quick feature considering this came out only 3 weeks ago. Nevertheless a great map. As tex as said, I too love how this map ulitilizes the front third of foundry. Well worth the feature.
I'm not going to download cuz I mostly download Racing Maps, but it looks smoothly interlocked and fun. I give it probably a 4/5.