FIFA Stadium 1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by corkystnr, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. corkystnr

    corkystnr Ancient
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    This is an updated version of the original FIFA Stadium map variant. Before reading any further, please read the first and second parts of the explanation (where both pictures and descriptions can be found):

    FIFA Stadium I
    FIFA Stadium II


    *Removed bubble shields and regenerators from the field
    *Changed speed boosts to respawn at 120", overshields at 150", and active camouflage at 180"
    *Reduced the number of plasma grenades in the penalty box to 1 and set it to respawn at 60"
    *Changed flare and radar jammer respawn times in the penalty box to 120"

    These changes were made to rid the game of excessive distraction, while retaining a moderate amount of power-ups.

    Locker Room Brawl - Some of you may have noticed that teams will fly at each other through the shield doors in the locker room hallway. Part of what I'd hoped would be discovered I guess I'll have to explain, instead. When locker room brawls become a nuisance, you have to develop escort strategies for your VIP around the turn. As nothing short of an assassination will kill the field players, all you have to do is put your body in front of the other team's players. Though it may throw you back a little bit, no amount of slashing from the front will kill you.

    Game Requirements - Each team must have two players (one VIP, which functions as the goalie, and one field player), bringing the total in-game requirement to four. As noted previously, VIP's must enter the sender node along their respective tunneled routes to become their team's goalie. That's it!

    FIFA Stadium 1.1 Map Variant
    Score Goals Game Variant
  2. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    I finally had a chance to play around on it for a bit. Sadly, i am the only one on my friends list playing Halo much these days, so i didn't get much further than plugging in 3 controllers and testing some things out. I did test using your included game-type. Let me preface my comment with this... These are only the things i would change. I am not going to discuss what i would not change. This does not mean i don't like the idea. In fact, i love it! I just want to try to help you make it as fun, balanced, and as honor-rule free as possible. I wish someone would do the same for me. Please don't take anything here negatively, and sorry for how long this is. I tend to get a bit verbose.

    1. Get rid of the pre-game brawl idea. I think you are trying to do too much with this one. It's a neat idea, but in practice, it takes away from the true purpose of your game type. Griefers would use this as an advantage. Plus it allows for a couple of other game-braking cheats.

    2. A moderately skilled jumper can get to the opposing team's teleporter and camp it, waiting for the VIP to move off of it. I was able to do it by going through the shield wall and through other team's locker room, and by jumping up on my own team's side, and hopping around the tops of walls to it. Or, two players can go there, and one could use the other to jump over the wall to the teleporter. Once the VIP moves off the teleporter, the player teleports through and can easily kill the VIP by exploding the fusion coil with his sword. You could fix this by raising the height of the walls around the teleporter, but the i don't know how the VIP would get through initially. You may need to find a different way for the VIP to get in, but nobody else can.

    3. You need to put in a score penalty for VIP suicides and betrayals. Otherwise, the first team to score can betray their VIP as soon as each new round begins by exploding the fusion coil in the locker room (which you should get rid of). Or the VIP could suicide using the same fusion coil or the coil inside the net. They don't lose any points for doing this, and the round ends, robbing the other team of a chance to catch up. If you make them lose a point for either of these tactics, then there will be incentive not to betray/suicide the VIP, and keep the game on its intended track.

    4. Spawn the ball on the field not in the stands. This impacts the game in several ways. It encourages both teams to get in place on the field ASAP to gain control of the ball, which would discourage people from wasting time griefing/cheating. It would also keep a winning team from just camping the current ball-spawn to run down the clock, once again robbing the other team of a chance to tie the game.

    5. There are way too many Powerups on the field. I like what you were trying to do with those, but there's nothing stopping someone from just collecting all the powerups so nobody else can get them. It does encourage people to get to the field faster, but for the wrong reason. I think putting maybe one or two powerups closer to each team's goal will still have your desired effect without causing issues and cluttering up the field.

    6. About the penalty box. I'm of mixed opinion here. I like it except for two things. If you accidentally back into it trying to protect your VIP, you are stuck there forever unless someone else goes there and kills you. But as you pointed out, it is in their interest not to kill you, making for a pretty boring round. Having a Radar Jammer up there is pointless because with a wide open field, nobody is relying on their Motion Detectors. The Flare and grenades are a nice touch, but i am concerned that a skilled player might be able to throw these close enough to the goal to create an explosion that kills the VIP early. I wasn't able to, but i'm not that good at tossing nades/equipment.

    Well, there you go. Once again, sorry for my verbosity, and i hope you took all this constructively. Its just my thoughts. Take them or leave them. I'd like to see your game become a standard. So hopefully you can at least fix the game-breaking issues, and people latch onto it like they did Grifball!
  3. corkystnr

    corkystnr Ancient
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    This is very helpful information UFO. It's obvious that you've put a lot of time and effort into analyzing this map's playability. Thanks for taking the time to check everything out! This is more than a wealth of information to take into consideration and put to use--so thanks again!

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