I liked spiderman 3 :] Not as good as the first two but i still liked it .. And the spiderman 2 game (i think it was 2) was legendary : ]
The Blue screen. I am just watching a movie right now and its blue screen backgrounds are really bad. Not bad but just noticable.
when the movie seems fairly plausible then the bad guy magically sprouts wings. I'm kinda specifically talking about Jeepers Creepers (1). It was good; pretty scary until after the bad guy was run over about 6 times, out of nowhere wings pop out of its back.
How about when the movie is just way too unrealistic? That can ruin a movie. I cant remember any specific one but there is some out there.
****SPOILER!**** The Mist. The dad kills his son and 3 other people and only had four bullets so he couldn't shoot himself. Then the army came about a minute later and saved him.
starship troppers 1 was the best when the caught the brain bug, but number 2 ending sucked, i yet to see 3
i agree to that as well...he fought so hard...he was basically an outcast and died.....but it is a true story...so cant really change it.....
the matrix 2? any old chinese/japanese kungfu movies...ninja turtles(kinda good cartoon and games...but comeon!)...
Harry potter: Goblet of Fire Cedric Diggory dying after all that tri-wizard tornament crap. When I saw wormtail I was like ffs get! to! the! CUP!