Hey DrawingMan if you still have slots open then count me in. But exactly what are we supposed to do? I would really like to do this because i love the song and the video.
basically, Were gonna try to copy as much of the video as we can, only halo styled. and of course you can be in it Matt. Theres still plenty of room available.
Ok Awesome. I just wanted to make sure there was room left because ive noticed that they is like 2 or 3 pages of posts and i was scared that there would be no more room left. :lol:. i cant beleive we are doing this because i love this song. :lol:
I would take part in this epic win, and you would have my obedience. Though, I have work on Mondays aswell, so I will not be able to partake. =[
Ok. We got it we dont need any more spam saying you cant wait to do this. Im excited too but i can wait. The only people that needs to post is DrawingMan or people saying they can to or they cant join in. Im just tryinng to help out.
Okay i would do it .. But my bro might kick me off at some times of the day because the xbox is his etc .. So it depends what time and what day .. =]
you need to grow up and stop judging people over the internet all your doing is trying to start a fight !!!!
Chillax Wal-mart, nobodies trying to pic a fight, he's just trying to help out in his own way, no need for all the Exclamation points there good sir. :lol:
Im sorry i was just trying to help but i guess you missed understood me. Im just trying to help and i guess i failed at it. But im just wondering why are you useing linubidix sig? Thank you for the help DrawingMan. And lets get the party started.
I will as soon as I figure out whats up with my xbox. I cant sign on to Live, for now im just gonna work on the parts that I dont need people on and so forth.
I will gladly help you out. I am not a young kid and i will follow your directions. just friend request me at zTo SoXFaN25
prolly gunna do some recording and stuff today so between 4:30pm and9pm roughly, just estimating we'll be on i believe. so let us know if youll be on and we'll ask you when we start needing people. oh PST btw :]