This is a much more recent weapon drawing of mine. It was done using Predator5791's floating weapon method, so I thought I'd make it about him. People have called me a suck up for this... but I mean... The dude got 10 MILLION dl's total. That's insane. Here's the Bungie link. Oh. And it's a Predator if you can't tell. It's been seen as a crab with massive arms by some people before... including myself.
I stumbled upon his guide by chance so I don't know where on Bungie it is posted. Here is a link though. LINK!
lol i didnt notice that, tibute lol, thats my new word, tibute but any way now i know how to do the vertical weapon placement awesome
In my opion at the angle youve drawn it reminds me of the predalien but it still looks amazing and must have taken you ages 20/10 thats right it deserves more than the score should allow!!:haha:
Well thanks. I wish screenshots could be rated on this thread. Anyway, a lot of people have been asking due to this screenshot what exactly happened to Predator. He had a goal of 10 million downloads total and once he reached that goal he stopped making screenshots.