I have asked XBConnect staff if they could add a XboxLive chat. Guess what guys they did all thanks to me . So what the hell does this mean?, it means that you guys can organize games in real time over chat. Weather it may be Halo 3, cod4, gow, etc you can set it up on XBC and play on XBL. So guy just download XBC here than make the account in the program , try to make the account as same as your XboxLive gamer tag. Find some people you wanna play with and have fun playing custom games way faster now. Remember XBConnect is a zero-tolerant program so make sure you don't spam their channels. When posting to host or you are finding one please follow this format so you can find or host a game as soon as possible. When Hosting: Exmp: [ GAME ] [ GAMERTAG ] [ GAME SERVER INFO ] Exmp: [ Halo3 ] [ xI MunnyG Ix ] [ MLG Custom FFA - 8PM to 10PM Est ] Exmp: [ COD4 ] [ BobTheBuild ] [ 4v4 Search And Destroy Custom ] When Joining: Exmp: [ INVITE ] [ GAME ] [ GAMERTAG ] [ GAMETYPE & EXTRA INFO ] Exmp: [ INVITE ] [ HALO 3 ] [ xI MunnyG Ix ] [ MLG CUSTOM ONLY ] EXTRA INFO: How to join chat: Its on the bottom right hand side REMEMBER THIS HAS JUST BEEN ADDED THEIR MIGHT NOT BE MANY PEOPLE THERE BUT IF YOU STAY OTHERS WILL. If you need any help contact me or ask on XBConnect forum. - DeadTob, MunnyG, D3AD
... STFU.. your bumping your own thread. that is against the rules.. and i know you will get mad at me but i do not belive you..
First, don't double post. Second, why do we need XBC when we all have XBL? I loved XBC back in the days of Halo 1 because it let us play it online. But now there is Xbox Live. Keep with the times, son.
you guys obviously did not read the post properly " you can use the new chat that XBC Admins have setup so you can talk to people and setup a CUSTOM XBOXLIVE GAME!!!, meaning you organize the game in the chat, than play on live!!!"