Lol looks very challenging. I'm not going to be able to do the first room probs, but I might as well give it a shot... puzzle maps are fun when you can do 'em, but a pain in the **** when you can't
this is very nice it is also nice to see that you do care for us people that probablly couldn't do it so then you have a walkthrought well done
darn bambo jump, it took me hours because i kept knocking down the barrel! We were about to give up but eventually got past it!
nice seth it is pretty hard but not impossible. And lol golfmerad that part is passible by raming the crate with the head and that will knock it over.
yo i loved the origeonal but whats changed? the other was very origeonel and fun but this is just not very good may i suggest avalanche for v3 but good job making a second ::,,:: ^^ <>
Looks like a great puzzle map. In order to make this post not spam even though I don't really see anything wrong you would make the boxes neater and interlocked.
fergfighter this is not a different map. IT was a v2 because all of the changes that were made. If it was named like that it would be something like v1.85 cause of all of the changes that were made. Also it's a puzzle map, icexbullet, it doesn't need to be neat.
I like the look of this map. I saw your first one's post, but didn't play it. I think I will give this one a try. It all looks fun and well built, I really like the look of the Bamboo Jump. So, I'll give it a try.
puzzle maps are awesome but most of them confuse the hell outta me lol, looks fun but complicated. nice work. 4/5
I'm guessing that in the teleporter room the teleporter you are supposed to go through is right behind you!