Here a pic i took on avalnche the effect is from a spike grenade Hope you guys Enjoy Linky to picture -Areinger
i like it but i think it would have fit the picture better if you used a human weapon instead of the carbine but thats just my opinion =/
Thats an epic screenshot .. =] I love screenshots like this where theres an epic background then a guy just standing with a gun .. I just think they are class.. =] Great Job!
Very cool looking picture. I like the reflection on the carbine. The light beam coming off the armor at the shoulder kind of bugs me but other than that this is a great picture. Good job! 5/5!
try to center the spartan a little more (rules of thirds) and try to have the brownish mist cover up the bottom (i can easily see you took it in that area outside of avalanche). But you get a 4/5 for me.
hmm cant really tell its avalanche, but i like the effect, i was never much of a picture taker so i dont know all these types of tricks
That's pretty cool. I have similar shots but in mine the background is much brighterr with less detail. You've made a really good effect.
EOD Shoulders, I'm pretty sure. Wow, you seem to have some prety good skillZ there with them pics! Second one I see, and they're both sweet.
Thanks do yall think my next screenshot should be with 1.Scout 2.Rouge 3.ODST 4.mark v 5. C.Q.B 6. Mark VI