Original Map: Foundry Gametypes: FFA, TS, CTF, or Oddball. I like to play it best with FFA MLG or TS. Description: An old warehouse converted into a CQB training facility for UDT marines to drill breaching, clearing and overwatch support. After making the map it sort of reminded me of a SWAT Killhouse, so that is what I went for. I made this map with the thought of more competitive players in mind. So there are a lot of jumps and such to give the cleaner/better player an edge against less skilled people. This map is really good for competitive players, it is symmetrical to a point but not so much. It's a great play, I've had a lot of fun on it and people really dig it. Weapons/Equipment: 2 Snipers 1 Rocket 1 Shotgun 8 Brs 6 Carbines 2 Ars 2 Magnums 2 Plasma pistols 2 Plasma rifles 2 Needlers 2 Brute shots 1 Grav-lift 1 Power drain 1 Custom power up 30 well placed plasmas/ frags Download: Killhouse Some credit, once again, goes to ILLusive810.
FIRST!!! looks fun and slop0py and the same time 3.9/5 cant go to 4 (stairs that are floating to 3rd level are crooked)
Its a really good idea for a map, although nothing is fused together nice liy, and well it looks like the map took 30 mins to make. So I'm going to rate it in 3 seconds.... 3.5/5
From the first pic i thought the map was going to be boring but from the rest of the pics, i have to think otherwise. It's good that you have used the whole of foundry in this map as it allows lots of fighting space and as there are many different sructures here and there, you won't get bored playing this. I think the crate on the second floor is a bit random but overall the map looks great. Tips for improvement: -Interlock some structures to make the map more aesthetically pleasing and to play better
not much interlocking at all, it makes the map look bland and unappealing. it looks like you may have put interlocking in some small spots where you needed it, but you could have had it in other spots to make it look nicer, but you didnt. 2.5/5
I think you mean CQB, but my fingers are too clumsy to criticise someone for typos. This is a good point though, this map does seem to lack close quarters battle, or at least features it no more than standard foundry maps, so a name rethink may be in order. This isn't to say I don't like the map. I feel some people have been harsh and peddalled the old "needs more interlocking" line, when I think a perfectly good aesthetic can be achieved without interlocking. This map has a real "default foundry" feel and look to it, like a nice adaption of the standard map with more going for it. Some seem to think that this is an invalid attempt in these days of interlocking and geomerging, but I think that a significant, well done rework of foundry in its base form isn't a bad thing. Default foundry is a good basic map, despite a few flaws. And if these are resolved and the principle extended then I think the result is worthy of praise, even if it doesn't take as long as some other maps. There's nothing wrong with following the original design ethic of foundry, and since so many people seem to steer clear of it then theres alot of room for really quality maps in this field. This may not be the most ambitious project ever but it looks like a good solid map, nice one.
Looks a tiny bit like Beaver Creak from Halo 2. I really think you should lower the wall in the middle a bit, it dominates the map.
It is not a CQB map at all, it is a normal sized level. looks like it has good gameplay, though. 65/100 - effort (time) 92/100 - gameplay.
This is From Rainbow Six Vegas 2 I love playing this in Halo 3 and the Vegas! both are my favorite games Like it and good work! 5.5/5