SpeedBall Arena. Map By: xBeatMetal Gametype By: xBeatMetal EDIT: THe game type has been updated to Neutral Bomb. So the screen shots show Flags, but it's a bomb you will be playing with. I was in forge and I started to think of A real life game that would be fun to play in Halo. Well, I thought of Speedball. One of my favorite Paintball games to play. Its a rather small map, but it serves the purpose of the game. On a side not, I'm really not very good at forging so.... Take it easy on me. The objective of the game is to run to the center of the map grab the flag and run straight through to the other teams base and score it. Simple right? The only thing is, it's like paintball. One hit and your out but in this case you die. I set the default player traits to instant kill and I left respawns on so Players would have to finish the objective instead of just killing the other team first. The flags spawn in the center for obvious reason. Unfortunately, Halo 3 does not have a neutral flag setting anymore. So I had to put 2 flags in the center, it won't effect game play in any way other than the slim chance of both teams scoring at the same time, which I don't think can happen. You just have to run it up to the base and you win the round, which is kind of obvious. I also placed Shield doors at the spawns to prevent Spawn killing as much as possible. MAP VARIANT GAMETYPE ATTENTION: There is a Larger Arena Located HERE Happy Gaming!
i like the idea of this map! This doesn't seem that sloppy compared to other maps iv seen, but it still is just a little sloppy. good job 4/5
Its a little small. To prevent spawn-killing, just make the spawning person invincible and unable to do damage for 3 seconds. You can do that in 'spawn traits' when making the gametype.
This seems like an amazing idea. I dont think ive seen a map where the objective is to take the flag to the other teams base. Ive thought about it. But was never sure on exactly how to execute it. Anyways, great map!
Yea well, I only put about an hour of work into the map so far, I will refine some of the problems with it if the game catches on. But I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the tip.
looks like a pretty good idea, and a well made map, but i think this should go in casual. however i think it would be realetivly easy to spawn camp those shild doors, or even stand inside as they spawn, with instant kill on, itll be no problem hozen em as they come. but i do think that is the only flaw in your map. and you dont look bad at forging, just do it more and youll get much better fast
wow looks like a pretty crazy (but fun) map but maybe a lil small. but i dun get y u call it speedball when theres flags instead of bombs or sumthin
Looks alright, but I wouldn't really know. Look at my rank and feel free to rolf. Still, I think I would like playing this with my 'screaming everytime you kill me and you hear it for a second' friends. Good map.
yeah i've played this, played the video game of this, and watched this. you did a pretty good job with it. looks like the game. 9/10. good job.
cool, looks like a crazy map, haha interlocking could use work in some parts though, nothing major just minor cracks you need to fix
Then map needs some more interlocking, like the double boxes used for the ground for example. The whole idea of the "Both spawn in the middle" reminds me of neutral flag from Halo 2, but you could have made the game type with assault and used neutral assault that explodes immediately. Just a thought.
I don't think it'll be that big of a problem... unless people go running for the flag at the same time and errors arise. you could try one flag but it probly wouldn't work as well. assualt is a good idea though...
You can't do neutral flag, but you can do neutral assault, that probably would have been your best bet. Other than that, it looks like a good map, but yeah the both flag things might be a problem.