Rising Box

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Wu pmouse, Jun 19, 2008.


how would you rate this map?

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  2. Okay

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  3. Good

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  1. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    Rising Box

    Version 2 Coming Soon!
    Well here is my second map on Forgehub, Rising Box. i made this map a long time ago before I knew about Forgehub and interlocking which is why there is hardly any interlocks. There was a lot of things that could be interlocked so I decided against taking the time to interlock the whole thing, but I was able to interlock a few things.
    This map is great for asymetric games like 1 flag or 1 bomb. So play games like those for the best results. It is a giant hallway that just goes up or down and sideways(may sound boring but it plays better than it sounds, trust me).
    Recommended Gametypes
    One Flag CTF
    One Bomb Assault
    One Sided VIP
    Vehicles on Map
    Weapons on Map
    I put alot and was too lazy to count them all =P
    Point 1(all human stuff here)
    Point 2
    Point 3
    Point 4
    Point 5
    Defender Spawn
    Attacker Spawn
    Well there's my second map post, but not my second map. My next post will hopefully be my first map I ever made. Like before, constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated so I can make a better map next time. I named it what it is because well I could not think of anything else. Note: I made this map for the pure intention of infection which is why there are weapons in one spot. I added the other gametypes before posting the map. A FAQ is: Why is there a territory outside the map? The answer: All the way at the end of the structure there is a teleporter going to the outside of the map and so I decided on using the whole map for Territories and 1 bomb Assault, but not 1 flag CTF. The flag is just before the teleporter. Also, download this map, it plays alot better than it looks, trust me.
    #1 Wu pmouse, Jun 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  2. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    wow um i dont like it very much because i dont get it but it was a good try

    WOOOO first comment WOOOOO
  3. shadow cawn

    shadow cawn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are my thoughts:
    • Map looks open and basic
    • having all weapons in one room can cause camping
    • Why is there a flag outside??
    Maybe im just missing some stuff cause im not looking but from what i can see it looks ok sorry man 3/5

    My maps-Division and Battle Tower (eventually going to redo after lazy contest)
  4. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    there is a portal goin to the outside and is the last point in territories and i just put the weapons there because like i said in the post this was made a long time ago when i didnt kno forge very well
  5. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just give the map a try with the recommended gametypes
  6. Jester

    Jester Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, not bad for a pre-FH map!

    I like your map concept, but I think a few edits could make this a bigger hit.
    If I may suggest you:
    1. Instead of a single large area, create a narrower, winding pathway.
    2. For territories, add checkpoints at places in the path.
    3. Spread out the weapons. You may want to consider giving one team covie guns and the other human guns.
    4. I hate to say it, but find a sexier name! Like Dethtunnel or UBERPWNZORDMAP!
  7. kingcoolbeans

    kingcoolbeans Ancient
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    i think this map could be better if you change the weapon placement (don't have them too close to each other) and you should keep everything inside the map.
  8. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    Don't make the weapons spawning altogether=camping=bad.
    Bit more cover=escaping the open part=good.
    nice outside feuture.
  9. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    The majority of forgehub maps are pre-FH maps, because they are posted by newbies who heard of Forge Hub after they made their map. This map does look good though, and since this was before you knew about interlocking, I have to say that you don't need it.
  10. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    ok it looks ok, but not so much a competitive map! even though there is no picture of why it shouldnt be a competitive map, but by looking at the picture of territory 5 i see its out side of the map( which isnt always bad its just that problems occur... and then those problems turn into honour rules... which are pretty much always bad for competitive maps) and there must be a teleporter that leads to there ( is there another way ? Probably no! unless there is your a genious lol) and i can see in pictures 1 and 2 that there is a shotgun and a energy sword... so all the people have to do is camp the teleporter with the shotgun and energy sword and theyve easily captured territory 5 ( sorry for all the crtisism, but im just trying to explain how to make your map better and maybe next time you should put maps like these into casual maps... other than all the critisism ( sorry again) your map looks very well done for the average infection map if you fixed all the camp areas and bit less weapons on the map it would turn out ok... most people who play competitive maps dont like alot of power weapons( its pretty good for infection)
    Good Luck!
  11. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes there is a teleporter going to point 5
  12. x1 caboose 1x

    x1 caboose 1x Ancient
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    eeeeeeeeeeew ammo holds! 2.5/5
  13. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks like one of those maps where there are all the guns in one spot so ppl can just camp there. it definitely affects the game play
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    im not a fan of armories and i dont really like having 900 of each type of weapon either. the gameplay is disasterous usually. i am going to have to pass on trying it out.
  15. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks quite good thers some sloppy places but looks fun and hav some good ideas
  16. garrett1rocks

    garrett1rocks Ancient
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    Im sorry, but your maps are very plain. not very godd. ^_^
  17. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i think interlocking would make this map alot better, but you said that this was made a long time ago so the hook is let off you.
  18. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    like the other ppl said, armories are a bad idea. I'm not sure if having a flag outside of the map is a very good idea either. It is possible, for the flag fall behind a death barrior making it impossible to get. Also, if i was on that team, i would have someone stand on, or camp by the teleporter. I think it might also be a little too open
  19. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    all these reasons are why im makin a version 2

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