The House of Horror!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Warlord Alpha, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    As zombies flowed into the city and the innocents within were lost to the advancing horde, a group of soldiers built an outpost in an abandoned warehouse. For weeks they held off the advancing juggernaut that had swept their city into oblivion. The constant fighting had left the building in a state of desperate disrepair, their ammunition supplies dwindling, the brave souls feeling fatigued and hopeless. The zombies do not give up, however. Are these soldiers doomed, or can they hold off the would-be inevitable doom?

    This map, House of Horror, was built from the ground-up by me, Warlord Alpha. I recieved inspiration from seeing the I Am Legend maps floating all over Bungie Map Variants, and from seeing the lack of skill/effort that went into them. This map is different. I went to lengths to actually make it look like a zombies map. At first glace in appears messy and messed up, but i did that on purpose. Yes, i made it look bad on purpose. This gives it a feel where it has been under constant assault by these zombies. Sections of the walls are made of fence (due to those pesky zombie attacks....) and a giant hole has been ripped in the roof, and a beam conviently dropped down, allowing acess to the roof. But do you really want to be on that roof? Ill let you decide.

    However, this map is different in a few more ways.

    Firstly, it DOES NOT need any variants. Anything you have is good enough to play this with. Also, i set up this map to be played with *ANY* assault, capture the flag, or territories variant you have. You can also play any multi bomb/flag variant you want or slayer, but why you would want to is absolutely beyond me (basically that means stick with one bomb or one flag or multi-round asymetric territories). Again, no need to download any new variant and waste space you could use for maps - any variant you have will work.

    Sound good? Well, what are you waiting for! Download House of Horror!

    And yes, thanks for asking, i DO have pictures!

    A view of the front and left side of the building.

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Here is the back entrances/alleyways (those zombies keep finding creative ways to slip in and eat your flesh!)

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    The first floor (most of the ammo is stored here, which presents a problem; do you advance to the second floor to make yourself easier to defend but risk running out of ammo?)

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    The second floor, with the collapsed beams as a means of acess onto the roof

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    A view of the front and you can see the roof (and the giant hole those violent zombies forcibly ripped)

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
  2. Lintendo64

    Lintendo64 Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    pics aint workin
  3. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Should be fixed now, i noticed that too.
  4. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Looks awesome actually.
  5. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Thanks. It took a while to get the right "feel," but i think i got it just right.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Seems like there is dead ground surrounding the map...
  7. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Like, you mean empty spaces? No, thats just because of the angle i took the picture at. Believe me, when you start playing, there is plenty of cover.
  8. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    This map is awesome. I had alot of fun playing this with you Alpha. Great job.
  9. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Like the map and the pictures really brings out the map and gives you a good idea of how it looks.

    CATERBIRD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Its a preety amazing map that is perfect for infection based gametypes, although with the description, why would you play anything but infection on it, it has the DOOM feeling to it, and also the feeling for a desprate escape.
  11. AndywooT

    AndywooT Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Kinda bad because of the gliching there could quite posibly be
  12. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    well i dunno, maybe the zombies decided to be more creative and now have a bomb for you, or they havent wanted to kill you but all along have just wanted your flag? lol.
    what do you mean by "glitching?" like, getting into wierd hiding places? thats pretty much impossible unless there was an extreme amount of lag (and that would cause problems in ANY map, not just mine)
  13. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Yeah, thats a really nice house u got there. I like the windows frams being used as full length windows.b Wouldn't that warthog be a bit unfair?
  14. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Who cares, there is a spartan laser in each base anyways. And besides, due to all the ruined carnage strewn about the map driving it would be hell. Also, in every decent zombie game ive ever played, zombies cant drive and the warthog is so far away from the human base that the humans would get massacred by the time they got there.

    Really i just threw that in there for scenery and for the bomb/flag/territories variants. And again, there is a spartan laser in each base aswell as that turret in the window of the house. The lasers dont see much use anyways, i mean, i dont know why anyone would want a splazer in infection (well, except for me, i use a laser for everything).

    CATERBIRD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Yeah, i love usin the laser, but i almost never gets it :squirrel_sad:.
  16. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    same here! lol
  17. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Yea, i always rush for the laser on high ground, and valhalla (only in BTB and if i didnt get the banshee) and sandtrap.
  18. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    dude thats awsome!!! or it looks awsome..
  19. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    No, its every bit as epic as it looks, as long as you arent playing with a bunch of idiots.
  20. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
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    Re: The House of Horror!!!

    Really like the look of this. Will definitely give it a go! The first pic sold it for me, and I usually hate infection. The fact it supports all gametypes is great too.

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