Ship Assualt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ValorousBob, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    Ship Assualt:
    ^^Download Link^^
    Covenent vs UNSC

    As the battle for earth rages on many UNSC ships have been heavily damaged and need repair and refitting. The UNSC frigate Valorous (lol i named it after myself!) is one such ship. It docked at a planet-side service station a week ago and has had most of its armour plating removed and all the weapon systems offlined for repair.
    Thats why the covenant have chosen now as a good time to insert a Spec Ops team to plant a bomb in the Bridge of the Valorous and destroy it. As the Phantoms were unloading the troops, the Spartans onboard the frigate managed to shoot down several phantoms and scare the rest away. Most of the vehicles where unloaded safely (both banshees and several ghosts survived) but the dropship carrying the weapons was blow to pieces and the Covenant weapons are scattered all over the LZ.
    The frigate has a Cargo Bay, a Bridge, an Engine Room, and four Side Rooms. The side rooms contain the weapons(aside from the ones in the service station) and in the Cargo Bay is a forklift you can use to climb on top of the frigate The humans have a service station below the frigate, which guards the service elevator where the Valorous has been docked. This base has one entrance which the humans have hastily barricaded with roadblocks, and two others guarded by turrets. You can also open the back door for a fast and easy way in. Aside from landing on top of the frigate (using banshees in case that wasn't clear), the elevator is the only way up and down. To go up you stand underneath the lower most grav lift and jump. To go down you shoot the top grav lift and fall down in the spot where it used to be. This like a real elevator, u can only go up or down at one time. If you try to break into the elevator from the outside of the base, not only are your easy pickings for a sniper shooting through the floor of the ship, you have a 90% chance of being teleported to your death.
    The Covenant spawn at the LZ with shield doors for cover. They have a teleporter to take them randonmly to one of three Forward Operating Bases(FOB for short) One of the bases has turrets to pin the defenders in their base, but the other two just have some weapons and cover (i didn't want people to camp out here).

    Play as the Covenant and destroy the vermin's sacriligious(did i spell/use that right?) machine,
    Play as the UNSC Spartans and wipe the alien scum off your planet!

    At least 6 players recomended, plays only one bomb with 10 minute rounds recomended.

    Screen Shots:

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    ^^Banshees circling the Valorous. All the crooked objects have been fixed.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    Covenant boarding party arming the bomb in the Bridge.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    A banshee bomb exploding in the cargo bay. NOTE: the turret in the background has been removed.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    The top of the Valorous
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    The bottom of the elevator. Just step in and jump.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    The ship from far away. NOTE: the crooked objects and the lift have been tidied up since i took this photo.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    The turrets at a FOB shooting through the weakend armor of the Bridge.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    Covenant LZ. Note: The weapons have been spread around since this picture has been taken
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    Not a good tactic for blue team...
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    Another poor decision by blue team (i think that was brother)....
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    A banshee clearing the barricade for the ground troops.
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]
    ^NOTE^ This is a VERY good tactic. Don't rush up the elevtor all at once. Send the bomb guy and one guard to the bottom of the elevator and take turns using the banshees to land 2-3 people on top. Have one secure the Bridge and the other two kill most of the defenders in the Cargo Bay. A slow but extremely rewarding strategy is to have the bomb carrier stand on a banshee and have it carry him/her to the top of the bridge. Just watch out for the two missile pods the humans have access too.

    I would love any feedback i can get. Give me your first impression upon seeing the map or give suggestions for the name. Ship Assault is a kinda boring name.
    #1 ValorousBob, Jan 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2008
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Almost has the look of a tower of power...
  3. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    I sorta know wut u mean, except theres no turrets on the ship. I know in one of the screenshots theres a turret on the ship but it's been removed due to balance issues.
  4. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Well, I was originally going to complain about how the objects looked crooked, but it said that you fixed it in the post, so I'm not going to rant on about it.

    Just a quick suggestion, "Ship Assault" sounds rather... well, generic. How about naming the map "The Valorous", or something else along those lines. In my opinion, a good name can make a decent map appear better, or a good map seem great.
  5. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
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    looks interesting i'll check out later with my friends friday forge fight
  6. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    Ok i'm seriosly having issues with this posting thing. If a mod sees this post just delete it.
  7. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    ^^ I totally agree, except i don't know wut to name it. Any suggestions will be very helpful. So far my options for names are:

    The Valorous
    Ship Assault

    I will add this too original post if people keep leaving suggestions, and keep a tally of any votes for previous names.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Nice post. I really like how there is a story behind the map, and it seems like you read the Halo novels. Have you?

    I really like how the fence boxes are "weakened armor plating," like the ship is actually getting worked on. I'll definitely download this and look for any balance issues and whatnot.

    When you say 6 players recommended, do you mean 3 per team or 6 per team? I probably won't be able to get 12 people together for a game, but I might be able to test it out with 5 other people if I really like it.
  9. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Looks cool. I won't download because my queue is full, but you gave me a new idea for a map.
  10. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    Yeah i read the first three halo books, and i mean 3 per team. Definately the more players the better! Thanks for the feedback guys! Also i have tested with every size of party from 2v2 to 8v8. The 2v2 wasn't very fun, but the 8v8 was amazing!! Next time i play it i'll get some really nice action shots.
  11. cow chops

    cow chops Ancient
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    This map looks really fun... to bad my queue is full but once i clear it out this is at the top of my list.
  12. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet! Thx! By the way ur avatar/pic thing is awsome.

    CATERBIRD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In the words of the fat man "freakin sweet".
  14. AndywooT

    AndywooT Ancient
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    I really think its a good idea but the ship is a little small. and poorly made. Other than that. GReat idea
  15. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
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    i played this tonight with some friends it was fun but people had trouble figuring out how to get up to the ship (i thought the big blue light leading up was a good hint, but i guess it was just me). also i would suggest cleaning up the weapon spawns around the covenant base have them thrown out in a pile can make it difficult to get the weapon you want. other than that i say good job just take a little more time to clean things up.
  16. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    You did figure eventually how to get up the lift right? Also i wanted the Covenant LZ to be disorganised becuase of the aforementioned events in the map description, but i will spreaad them out so that its easier to pick up the weapon you want.

    Wut exactly do u mean by poorly made? If you think something is a flaw (like the opening above the cargo bay), check if it's explained in the story, or might have been put there for balance issues. If it truely is a flaw, tell me and i'll be happy to fix it.

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