TGIF #12 epic WIN or epic fai*

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GD27 BlueDevil, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    As all of you know TGIF was changed around. I wanted to know if you guys liked it. If not than what does TGIF need? Please post your thoughts and opinions here. I personally think the old way was better and more parties would be the solution to the growing forgehub community and TGIF.

    I didn't want to say the word that start with an Fa and ends with an il.

    I am sorry if only moderators should post stuff like this I was only curios.
  2. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I think that the new format for TGIF 12 was actually much more inclusive than previous methods, and allowed a lot more freedom to the players involved. I know that in Vicious Vice's room, we had a hell of a lot of fun while it lasted, and while I wasn't able to get back in later, I will say that even the few hours I played were greatly refreshing in all things Halo.

    My hope is that this format will be kept for later use. In future TGIFs.
  3. Grunt Sniper 53

    Grunt Sniper 53 Ancient
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    as i have only just joined FH just before TGIF #12 i realy cant comment much on wether its better then previous TGIFs but i do have something to say... so as a newcomer here i feel that the separate partys realy helped me to meet some members and that in itself is a good achievement.
  4. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    well it was an epic fa..ure because all the partys were set to 'friends only' when it comes to joining and because most TGIF hosts are not on my friends list I have to ask for an invite anyway really this TGIF made everyone in my party realize 'halo 3 just sucks' its missing that 'fun' competetive facter anyway quitting screwed us over for about half of the games we played the lag was just plain horrendous and I and everyone else in the party just didn't have a good time.......(it was so bad it made peguinish quit........that or he was busy rendering things)
    #4 Sheogorath, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  5. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I honestly like the way the other TGIF's were organized.
    Even some of the hosts I played with disliked it.
    I just hope we go back, soon.
  6. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i had a great time in the tgif i didnt get to play in some of the parties i would have liked but at least i didnt have sit through mlg and swat to 100 i think it iis much better this way round apart from a few teething problems 13 will be better i think there should be more hosts i posted some screens here

    definately more interesting than having no choice in what you play
    #6 ezekeil20five17, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  7. The God of Grunge


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    I didn't like it. The old sign-ups made more sense, and were just easier to use in general
  8. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    It seams like a good idea but its not for the euro party because lots of people form all around the world were hopping in and out and it was just causing it to lag alot!:surprise:mg:
  9. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    One way it could of improved is by setting the party to invite only when you are playing. Because from what I heard is that people were just joining different parties when they pleased and most of the time the people were joining half way during a game.
  10. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I found it really really good, I could change between different parties.

    I didnt even have to sign up in the first place. I was just like... wait a minute.. holy **** its forgeday! and joined IRC and saw the white rabbit thing, then joined Asper's party and had a great time.
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    err... jumping parties whenever you wished was the idea... although i have to say it didn't quite pan out seeing as most parties seemed to be full all the time.
  12. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    meh.. I found that there was always an open party for me to join
    (though your party was full, I wanted to join it cuz it would be more Aussies = less lag.)
    I was only around for like the first hour and a half though.. cuz my sister got out of hospital.
  13. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    yeah I realized that. But I was told that some people were joining and getting booted because the room was already full. But Im sure that this new style of TGIF was fun.
  14. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Personally I didn't have a very good time. Most of the parties were not set to open and some of the hosts didn't evan show up. This is specially talking about the person who had cummunity maps as a theme. That was the party I wanted to be in too. I ended up in the objective party that was run by Dragonoals. I got bored and joined TruDarkFusions rocket race party. I ended up getting muted by him, The Yaviman, Bl00dF1r3, Inferior Pigeon and a few other people that have gamertags that I can't remember. After that I joined Roche178's party because he kept sending me invites ean though thats the European party and I'm not in Europe. It obviosly lagged because people joined from all over the world. I quit and tried to join Dragoncols again but the party was full and so were all them other parties so I gave up trying to have fun and I went to sleep.

    I think we should go back to the old TGIF but have just as many parties if not more. This will fix the problem. I thought TGIF #12 was a mess and I didn't have fun at all.
  15. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Worked great for my party. I didn't start til all the other parties were finishing up, so everyone who was on wanted to be in my party. We had plenty of people the whole time through. I just had to keep closing it every now and then to slow down the people joining. Some people also said it didn't go to well earlier since they were just going trying to get to a fun party. Another person said they really liked it, since they were able to go and get into a party that they had seen online had a theme of games they enjoyed.
  16. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Its your own fault for getting muted lol. And you are blaming hosts because they didn't show up. They have to take time out of their lives to sit around for four hours and play with people like you. My advice is if you don't like it then don't join. Stick with a party that you want from the beginning, first come first serve. Seriously people can ***** about anything.

    Anyways I had a super fun party, it was very competitive but still we had fun. If we lost it wasn't too big of a deal. I loved this set up, I would just like it if people didn't quit mid game.
  17. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    You had to ask for an invite or be a friend with someone in the party to join... Or get an invite.
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    You guys all have to understand, there were more hosts this way, meaning there were more slots available...To you guys...If you weren't in a party in the start, the we apologize, but once the slots are full (which, we had like 15 hosts this time around) then you can't get upset about it, it's a itch finger situation really. I mean, when you see a party, join, and if you later see a chance to join an open party, join that. But for the most part, you should be able to find a party considering how many hosts there are now.

    As for the "invite, had to receive one." thing...That is simply because some of the hosts had a buttload of people, or they didn't want people joining in the middle of a game, causing lag, or they didn't want any more people then they had, or a whole series of reasons.

    As for me, hosting TGIF was a blast, can't wait for this next one.
  19. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    I agree with you somewhat about the Friends Only thing but I still had some fun playing with G043R, GunSlinger, and some others.
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Our party was awesome, it was like the non-serious mlg party. This was the first tgif that I actually signed up for and participated in and I had a ton of fun. I do like the way different parties play different types of games so I could go where I wanted to.


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