I'm always have these ideas for a forge map in my head that i want to make, but I cant. And it always pains me to see people that are able to make maps that are seemingly perfect. Everything is the same distance apart, perfectly symmetrical, How do you do it? Is it a special tool, mod or add on? Or is there a nifty trick to do?
Well, most of the "perfect" maps you see are on Foundry, and are usually done using the very handy grid that Bungie was kind enough to put on the floor for us. It takes a great deal of patience to align things exactly the way you want them to be aligned, but it definitely pays off. Alternately, you can eyeball it, and if at first you don't succeed, try, try again...
Its just your level of perception... Some people's minds work better than other when it comes to seeing differences in space and measurements... You just need to be observent
It actually helps if you are interlocking two objects at a very specific spot, but not 100% sure where it(your box or whatever you set to not spawn at the begining of a round) will appear, place traffic cones where the edges of tha object are before starting over. Even if you knock them out of the way, the blue light from where they spawn will still be showing EDIT: Made my post make more sense
another controller or person helps greatly - especially if its your controller as you can judge according to your liking not someone elses
use a respawn area or a hill marker press x to make it the size/shape you want this will give dead on balls accurate measurements its what i am using on my ut3 remake because its not on foundry.
There are many different tricks, you just have to find one that works for you. I sometimes use the grid on the floor, or I use a guide such as a wall next to my box, so I know where it was.
i always try an measure things from the wall. so ill usually put a double box up against the wall, and then ill put some thing up against the double box. so that its the same distance from the wall on each side of the map. i used this on my map torrent, which is in my sig