looks pretty good... I when people put those light things behind there shoulders... thats the only thing I don't like
I think he means the flashlight .. I think you should of used a better render instead of the spartan you have .. But good job apart from that .. =]
Yeah, everything in this sig I made. The render of chief, and the ring. The background I got from google and edited it, and the text I went crazy with effects. lol.
Since you mentioned your sig, I think that where it says "A compilation of all my mods for Halo", you should put in Halo PC/CE or something along those lines, so people don't get confused and stuff.
meh, i'm not a fan of halo sigs, and this one is a little bland, but i guess since it's your first, its not that bad
Who said anything about it being my first? I do admit it's bland, but it's only my first actually using renders I made. Heres my sig gallery. dudelike89/Signatures - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting