Hideout Hideout is a smaller 2-5 person free for all map. The game types that can be played are slayer, oddball, or king of the hill.This map contains several key features that I think make it stand out. One is the crawl space on the 2nd floor that contains a mauler. The other are the two bottom level hall ways, and the third is the roof with active camo that can be accesed with a spawn or grav lift equipment. Weapons and equipment: 1- Shotgun 2- Covenant Carbines 2- BR's 2- SMG's 2- Spiker's 2- Plasma pistols 1- Mauler 1- Active camo (respawn every minute) 1- Regenorator (respawn every minute) 1- Gravlift (respawn every minute) 2- Grenades 2- Spike Grenades Pictures: ~~~Bottom level hall.~~~ ~~~Stairs leading to 2nd level.~~~ ~~~Middle of bottom floor.~~~ ~~~2nd level, Slightly elevated with crawl space.~~~ ~~~Middle room 2nd level.~~~ ~~~Roof, use grav lift in 2nd level room or spawn to get up there.~~~ Please comment, rate, and download if you like. Click to Download Sorry about the sizes of pics I don't know what happened I took them the same way.
Re: Hideout. Cool i'll download it once i clear my file memory i have 100 customs it looks cool nice use of the crawl space
Re: Hideout. Wow thats alot of memory you filled up and thanks for the comment my first map thread didn't do so well but this map and thread are better.
Re: Hideout. Yeah i do have a lot of crap on my file some stupid maps i foolishly download (none from this site) but from bungie so yeah i have to clear some of it stupid 100 limit why not 150
Re: Hideout! I bet if I copied and pasted similar screenshots I've seen from other maps people wouldn't be able to tell the difference (1 in particular). However the map looks alright, so I'll consider checking it out.
Re: Hideout! Um, I'd hate to break it to you but every map forged in foundry will look some what the same considering the items are the same.
Re: Hideout! Ha very true, anyway I think this is a great map, fun close quarters combat and could be good for FFA SWAT also. Group Hug bitches :squirrel_grouphug:
Great work man, couldn't find anything that wasn't to my liking. Haven't had a chance to play a game on it yet, but I'll get back to you when I have.
Wow... didn't even notice you posted this Riot... lolz... For those that were wondering... yes this is a pretty good map. I suggest you download for the hell of it.
To tell you the truth... im still determining weither or not to download it. These screenshots look good but not amazing. ~Striker