Better yet, make a Nemi Smiley. It's logically impossible. But if you do so, I will reward you greatly. ooc: interesting new smiley collection we have here. Edit: To make it more difficult: you can't use my avatar or signature as inspiration for it. Have fun.
If (and when?) you can find the time, I'd appreciate a Krillin one (just in case u don't know, the guy from DBZ that's in my sig). Just a squirrel that's bald & has the 6 dots on the forehead or sumthin. kthxbai
I would be very grateful if you could do an Altair one (main character in Assassin's Creed). Just kinda a hood down and a blade on a hand or something. Whatever you think looks good.
Yeah and me .. >:| Lolz they are pretty good .. I like how most of them suit the names .. Good job! =]
Still no murdock... :S <-- Thats confusion.... i'm confused. i like the ones you've made so far though...
I'm really sorry that i haven't finished one for you but i don't know what to make. The ones that i did make looked bad
dude check it out!! TDF used my squirrel as an actual smiley!!!!!!!! :kninja: ... wtf???? why isnt it working TDF?
I'd make like a squirrel... holding an Xbox contoller... oh and for the face make it black and have a ? on it. and add in any other sampsony touches you can think of... that i cant
I didn't add it for you. I added it because I liked, it and it was a ninja... If you notice Yavi's sonic one isn't called :Yavi:, it is called sonic...
... never mind.. many people comment on the fact that i spell ninja wrong.. so i didnt mean it like i thought it was for me i meant like the fact that i can't spell ninja.. lulz sorry i make bad jokes