Debate Are we Alone?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pigglez, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    how can you say that Christianity debunks other life forms im a christian and i believe that there is life else where in the universe because there is so much space that there has to be something similar simply following the laws of averages to Quote Einstein science without religion is baseless but religion without science is mindless. also if you can tell me specific time in the bible that says that we are alone then i might be swayed but don't try Genesis becuase that says god only created the heaven and earth so following that would mean that the universe does not exist
  2. Puddinpwner

    Puddinpwner Ancient
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    I my self think we are not alone but my religion differs. but no where in the Bible does it say Earth is the only inhabited planet. I think they are friendly because if they were not they probably would have attacked us.
  3. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Missing info

    That's because the people who wrote the bible didn't know their were other planets. They didn't know that the stars were other suns. They thought the earth was flat! That is why there is no mention of other planets......the authors knew very little about the universe.
    #63 makisupa007, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  4. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    Yes, I definitely believe there is something else out there, I mean, do you actually believe that if you just keep rocketing through space your going to hit bungie's invisible wall barrier? Didn't think so. With the technology humans have now, its impossible to venture out so far- safely that is. Thats why no one has ever pasted the moon, asteroids are just too much of a problem. besides, there are stars in the sky and those are all suns somewhere else... somewhere else there is supported life. All's it takes is some bacteria and it evolves, like us. Not that I'm against religion, its just true. Face it. Although, until i see it for myself, I won't be a believer. Pictures and videos can kiss my ass to lunch- I gotta see it. And why would the government try hiding alien **** from us? It doesn't make sense. If they did it would be a mean to prevent global catastrophe, and that would have to mean the aliens are not friendly. But, whatever it is, I'm not too damned worried about it. I leave that stuff to the government, watch the movie The Mist. You'll see how the government handles things. Except for NASA having the great idea of taking Salmonella to outer space, and then taking it back to Earth. Way to infect our tomatoes, and start killing 1000 people a year. With today's technology, you should be able to predict that stuff. What the hell though. Too late now. Anyways, what I'm real worried about is the apocalypse. You know, December 21, 2012. Over 3 religions have predicted this date, and that was over a thousand years ago. Oh well, I just try and forget about it. Sort of like a school project, but with a due date.
    #64 monkeyrantz, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  5. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    I think there is life out there but not that hi-tech ...
    I mean when you think of aliens you think space ships ..
    I think they have spaceships
  6. Bretonfish09

    Bretonfish09 Ancient
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    I would be EXTREMELY surprised if there was NOT another inhabited planet somewhere. Surely Earth isn't the only planet with livable conditions?
  7. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    You know, it's funny people (in general, this is not directed at you) talk about how other planets must have Earth-like conditions and support life, but Earth was not at all like it was today when life first developed. It would have been unsurvivable for most life on Earth now. Life doesn't need Earth-like conditions to develop, evolve, and survive.
  8. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Im sure there is other life forms out there searching for us as we search for them.
  9. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    According to wikipedia (best source ever) Earth is 4.54 billion years old. Humans (**** sapiens) have existed for 200,000 years and are only just becoming space fairing. We have no evidence of any animals living on earth anywhere as near as developed as humans. Sure 4.54 billion years is a long time for evidence to remain, but things like metal structures would last for a long time.

    Earth is in the perfect position and environment to sustain life and took a hell of a long time to get to that stage. All those millions of years in a perfect position for life and only once has a race gotten as far as we have. Humans have only just began to realise the facts of the universe and we're already trying to blow ourselves up, draining our resources and destroying the planet.

    Though there undoubtedly other planets in a similar situation to earth which could hold life, they would also have to go through this very long process. The universe is unfathomably old and unfathomably big. There will be other planet which can harbour life, and life will develop there at some stage. The chances of two sentient races reaching the same level of intelligence at the same time seems incredibly slim though. Almost impossible in my mind. I don't think humans will ever meet intelligent alien life.
    #69 Mallet, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    The planet Earth is incredibly rare...

    Think about it, Venus is a fiery ball of hell, and Mars is a Cold snowball.
    These two are the closest planets to Earth and they have such a large diffrence.
    Then there is minerals. In order for a planet to substain life it requires I believe 24 diffrent minerals.
    Then there is the O-Zone.
    The moon which keeps the Earth in orbit.
    The sun.
    And Other stuff. The chances are slim, very very slim. And then the Planet needs to be more advanced then humans by at least 500 years minimum to have the UFO.
  11. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    No UFO

    They probably wouldn't call it a UFO.
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Well yea, but I don't know what they will call it so I said

  13. youngian

    youngian Guest

    no i think there are other life forms in the universe wether they are intelligent is debatable but i think there is some other organic life in the universe.
  14. Chemical Wasp

    Chemical Wasp Ancient
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    I think that if the goverment had found life they would not tell the pubic it would cause a huge uproar for the public there would be people who would want to make peace and people who would want to destroy them because if some alien was on your planet observing you would'nt you feel insucrue because you would get to thinking if they can travel thousand of lightyears to get to earth and we can't even get to mars would the attack us and even if they would'nt people would'nt belive that and retaliate against their presence and start a war we would surely lose. Fact is the public is not ready for living proof that aliens do exist. Humanity will have devlope more and become more acceptant. I alos personally think that there is no doubt that aliens exist. Finally I think we will not come in to contact with aliens within our life time because space travel reacherch has come to a snails pace since the 1900's this is a fact because we went from there is no way man will ever be on the moon to being on the moon. So unless something speeds it up it will be quite awhile before we do anything signifigant in space travel so that is why when I am older I plan to go into space travel and devlop something that will help us reach the other stars. Oh and one last thing instead of breaking into area 51 work your way up the government gain their trust and acess to secret files I am sure the tennagers of today could do it we are from the age of technolgy .
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Chemical Wasp do you even know what the human race would do if they were to see E.T's I don't think you can predict that. Mabye the Human race would go to war, but if they did it seems that you are calling us (As a human) Stupid, because anyone with a brain would not just go to war with someone who has the technology to travel at lightyears.
  16. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    After watching that film i think that anyone will believe that we are not alone in the universe.
    I did even before watching it but not i got a clear idea of how big the universe is.
    But if there would come aliens and they would land here i doubt we could communicate with them. And there is always the possibility of they being hostile and having a lot more or less advanced technology than we have.
    Also i am absolutely sure of that either we or some other life form will contact each other from another planet.
  17. JSnoop420

    JSnoop420 Ancient
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    People like to believe that we are alone because they have control
    if we wernt alone and some advanced race was found than people would lose that control

    for all of human history we have been the dominant species and when we lose that we lose the one thing that make being human special.

    now with that said its IGNORANT to say there is no life out there out of the bigillion planets (its not a bigillion its just such a high number that its pretty much unending)

    SO to answer your question
    yes there is life out there
  18. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    humans would likely react incorrectly and violently towards aliens if they came to us.
    The aliens would definat3ely have superior technology and kill us all for our arrogance. And I would side with the aliens rather than humanity, or not take sides at all.

    If we ever find aliens, you can be sure that humanity will screw it up somehow.
  19. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    the only ones who are alone are the ones left behind by his fellow men
  20. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    Unless you mean God, than my belief would be that we aren't. There simply isn't enough solid evidence. As for the government covering up evidence, I fail to see a reason why they would. They told us when we had a decent chance of being nuked my Russia, so why not aliens?

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