So apparently Tom Cruise thinks that Scientoligists are teh pwnage. [youtube][/youtube] Note:The video keeps getting taken down, so it may be missing.
... Wtf? Was he trying to act smart? lol And I wanna go out and play, but I cant you know, cause I know, that I know. Guise, I think we have to do something.
We have the responsibility to educate... Scientologists are different. If we pass a car crash, we know we are the only ones that can help, we have that duty.
Tom Cruise sure is crazy in the head. "we got to get the spectator in the game or *chuckles*out of the arena*chuckles some more*"
Most of it was Scientology gibberish that only a select few understand. The other half was just gibberish. And .0001 of the video was sensible. And that was the intro music.
Yeah I saw that one South Park episode. I thought it was a joke and haha funny. But when I saw this on the news, I was like, " :squirrel_wtf:" I did not know that was real lol.
Don't make fun of the rediculousness of scientology unless you want me to make fun of the rediculousness of every other religion.
Check out Wikipedia's article on Scientology. It's beyond fascinating. And I don't mean fascinating in a 'I can't wait to get enough money to join' either. The list of famous folks that are a part of it is very interesting. Make sure you read all about Xenu, too. You'll laugh your ass off.
Never have I heard so many words put together without actually saying anything. Tom should be a politician.
Apparently there is a War on Scientology thanks to the group known as Anonymous. They are on a raid with DDoS attacks. Sometimes the most effective things are the most simple.