Members Need To Become More Strict

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BiG QwackER, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. BiG QwackER

    BiG QwackER Ancient
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    This is all in my opinion and is all for the better of ForgeHub.

    I make racetracks, so I usually see this habit mainly in the Racetracks Forum. My problem is that I think the members of ForgeHub should be more strict when replying to others maps. The reason why is because I'm seeing maps that completely suck and everybody is making false statements saying "This map is the best ever" and "Wow nice interlocking, your beastly!". I don't think this is good because the makers of that map will appreciate it and take those good replies leading to more (bad) maps.

    Most people just say "Nice work" and don't try to help them by giving them constructive feedback. But when I try to help members but telling them why they made a bad track and what they should do to fix it, I end up getting warned and warned for being "too hatful to members". But I'm trying to help them.

    So in conclusion, I just think more members should start to be more strict and put more thought into their replies. This can only help the website out with more good tracks available and help the track maker make better tracks in the future knowing the do's and dont's.

    BiG QwackER
  2. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    You pretty much stated the difference between post-count lovers and members.

    As for the warnings, just dont be a jerk when critisizing. Use words like "you might want to" and "try this"
  3. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    look for mini mods.
  4. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    This is an issue that's been around since the beginning of time and addressed multiple times. Nothing much we can do to completely get rid of the problem.

    Whenever you see any post that isn't thoughtful, negrep and nicely tell them to be more thoughtful. Although everybody can see rep now...
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well theres is a rule saying no over doing criticism.And how do you really know map is bad.In your eyes it could look crappy but int hat kids eyes it could look beastly.But lately I've been trying to help out the map forums by telling the map maker suggestions on how to make the map better saying it in a nice and professional way.Just be nice about it and you probably won't get warned either.I mean think if you were the user who made the map.I think you wouldn't want someone to be rude but telling you how to improve the map without being mean.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I think the easiest way to adress this would be to either base rank on rep, or get rid of post count all together. post count brings up your rank, and that promotes spam and useless posts. however, if rep decided rank than people would be encouraged to make more meaningful posts in hopes of getting good rep.
  7. BiG QwackER

    BiG QwackER Ancient
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    That's a great idea, but I don't know how to get the moderators to know that. You should say something to a moderator. They probably won't listen to me.
  8. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    You can't tell us what we like and don't like >.> If i like a map, i'm ganna say so and you can't stop me. You really can't stop people from saying "good map" and that's it, because people feel like a bigger postcount benifits you in some way. Why don't you just ignore it, and worry about your OWN maps for a change?
  9. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    this thread is AWESOME! 5/5 jk.

    but most of those people are just spammers who randomly post in threads. We can just report the post as spam and thats it but I wonder if anything actually happens.
    #9 SlasheI2, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't really agree with this and I don't disagree at the same time. Although saying "wow, this map is amazing!" when it sucks is more likely for them to keep making maps, they could suck in the future. But yelling at their terrible post would just lead them away from the site
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    Just be friendly as friendly as possible to newer members trying to post their maps, criticize as long as it's constructive.

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