wow, I liked it! It's kind of got a ska feel to it, I've heard of the flobots but never really gave them a chance. I embedded the video, and added another that I thought was good.
wow.....thats was probably the best music video i have seen in a long time. seriously, i think i have a tear in my eye. music like this makes me so well..kinda haha. cause it just kinda shows that at least some people see whats going on in the world.
I agree with that sexy lady on top off me, It was very moving, ive been listening to this song all day now cause off you sir haha, Thank you for the nice find.
This song was playing on XM 20 on 20 a few days ago.... Oh, and if you want to make it so we can see the vid from here, just put the link between {media}{/media}, and replace the {} with [].
awe thanks I didn't know you felt that way about me. What is xm 20 on 20, is it a program on xm radio?
It's an XM Broadcasting Channel. XM20 They just call it 20 on 20, because they keep playing the Top 20 songs of the moment over, and over, voted by the listeners on this website. Kinda annoying after a while.
I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like this song. It's not really my type of music. Although, the video was rather interesting.
Flobots FTW! They are gaining popularity now, I got that music video about 2-3 months ago, as well as that album. Stand up is a great song by them as well...
My brother showed them to me a couple of days ago, and I've been listening to them ever since. Stand up is a great song.