I did say that in the discription if you bothered to read it..most people just skim trough and look at the pictures. Any who is there anything eles you would like to say about the map?
what was that? im sorry, the sound of my armor scraping against that slide you made on ramparts is drowning out what your saying sorry. ok now what were u sayin?
Well, I finally got to play this map with you and some other people 2 days ago, and it was great fun (and not only because we kicked the other teams ass . The layout of the map is great, and weapon placement is quite creative while working good, such as the Spartan laser and Gravity hammer. I could have sworn this was featured, but I guess not, but it should be.
Looks great, really nice interlocking. And I donno why but I really like the star/teleporter thing you made, great location callsign.
I have changed the weapon placement a bit Well Iron Tusk did so its more balanced. Haha thanks the teleporter thing has be done to death but I figured I would try it out.
Looks awesome. A lot of work must have been put into this map. I especially like the sniper / chute base. (The chute reminds me of a fat kid I saw at a carnival a week ago and when he went down his belly flew up like the loose skin of a pregnant woman.)
yea in the discription it says that its different and more suitable for this map its much smaller and its a awsome middle structure
looks really good! 10/10! and i don't give 10/10 on competitives that much. i would go on bungie and rate but i don't use bungie forums anymore because all anyone ever does is complain about BR and stuff. but yeah great map!
Changes are done. Thanks everyone I took more time on the bungie post to see if it makes a difference
pretty sweet map man. cool how you have the wepons on the wall verticaly instead of the usual on the floor or leaning on somthing. the video also show the map even more. 5/5
great job nice merging and everything!!!ill dl if i can sometimes i cant. 10/5 from the pics and i meant it to be 10/5 its amazing
Wow Blood this map looks absolutly beautiful im glad you directed me to this. It had my download from the first screenshot.
looks sorta like a mlg based regular team slayer map, which is great because of mlg's sleek designs and regular team slayer is a great game. 9/10