Hello this is my first post here. With my first post I would like to ask a question. When I have the screenshots saved on Halo 3 do I have to copy them off of my Screenshots page and upload them? Also, I am a very... New? Mapmaker I guess you could say, Most of my maps DO NOT have interlocked objects because whenever I try to interlock the objects I will place it in the wrong spot and I will mess it up and have to do it again. So I try my best to make maps without it and some of my maps can look pretty sloppy but still work. So I hope I enjoy my times at Forge Hub and Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Welcome To ForgeHub Please take some time to read the Customer Service area, and it may be able to answer your questions, also check out Forging 101 so you can make your maps look excellent. Just browse the forums, and you should be ok. Enjoy your stay!