For some reason I can't load my Halo disc. I don't know why but whenever I put it in, the screen goes black, the proceeds to go to green!? Can somebody help me =[
Its your games way of telling you its too dizzy from spinning around in your disc tray so much and as such refuses to spin any longer........No but really I have no idea good luck.
Erm ok, then don't bother posting next time. Also, all of my other discs work, CoD4, GH3, Shadowrun, even Halo 2. And Mudkip > Treeko
Umm i think this is called the GSOD (green screen of death), this happened to Linou a little while ago. He the RROD brother
Then its the disc. That too happened to me. I remember back in October my disc was damaged, it would occasionally load but then freeze, other times "Disc is unreadable" msg would come up and other times it'd half load, pause go green then eventually either send me straight back to dashboard or give me the unreadable msg then send me to the dashboard. Solution: Unfortunelately unless you give a ultrathorough clean, best chance to revive Halo is to get a new disc. Luckily for me the video store nearby have their barcodes on the Booklet and the disc is free of anything other than the original label. I swapped the discs, but now my current one is scrathed too and doesnt allow me to play certain levels of campaign or Guardian but that is a different story.
this happened to me a few months ago. Halo 3 wouldnt load, but every single other game i had worked fine. There wasnt a scratch on the disc or anything... it really boggled my mind, as it worked flawlessly until i turned it on that day, and it just wouldnt work. i tried everything, including just waiting. what i resorted to was cheap and lame, but i couldnt deal with it. i took it to walmart [it was in great condition cause im neat] and told them i got it as a gift a week ago and that it was defective. they exchanged it for me and my new copy has worked fine for that last few months since that happened. why is this aweful? i bought it preordered from Circuit City.
This happened for a day to me, where it kept saying Disk Unplayable. It wore off later for no reason. How long has this been happening?
How long do you wait after the green screen comes? IT always happens to me but I wait for the Green Screen. Then it's back to Halo. Just wait for it? And I'm assuming you washed it with alcohol, soap, or anything with detergents? If you did, it make it more deteriorating. Don't wash it after it works. It may critically damage the disk.
Get a cloth and clean the disc .. My dad using this stuff which helps a lot .. Not sure what it is ..
ok i had this happen to me. what happened is about 2 days latter i got rol. ring of light. so i wouldn't play for a while then check back later. Also it could have happened because of overheation. so that's why i have been of line for a little while... so ya try to spend time away from it. i know it is hard but still you gotta do it if you want to avoid rol