epic, alot of time went into this post, and the new game is way better, nice job remaking it, and i cant wait to play hopefully in a TGIF
Wow Time glitch you did such an exceptional job on your post and on your epic revamped Nightfall map. I loved playing on the original, I cant wait too get scavaging around on the newly revamped version.
Wow... this was like a freaking essay post. I'll probly never write that much in my life. And on to the map. 10/10. Easily. I loved the original... now that you've redone the map i'm sure its even more incredible. its a new twist to the old boring shoot till you die. now its fortify so that you can shoot till you die longer. it actually takes intelligence, and thats how halo should be, the wisest should live, and the n00bs... i find their lack of win disturbing.
Doesn't that mean that friendly fire is on and the zombies can kill each other and spawn outside and kill the humans before the three minutes is up.
OMG it's awesome. Though I'm pretty sure I'll never get a party where people will be mature enough to play it properly...
Actually no. For some wierd reason, even when you have no team damage on, the humans can still kill each other with vehicles. Its a ***** when you have stupid warthog drivers. But no, the Zombies cannot kill each other.
Yeh but i'm pretty sure theres on fix for that. just keep the stupid drivers away from the 'hog. hey time glitch is this map how you got respected?
No, I'm respected because I make the Forging 101 Video Tutorials. TheShadyGnome is respected for the same reason, he voices one of the characters and helps me write.
Wow 6/5 he must really like it!! lol .. This looks very good .. i have seen this before but this is better .. It looks like you took a lot of time to make this and made sure everything is almost perfect ... Good job! =]
10000000/5 stars just because of how much you typed. Lol and I also like the idea that this isn't on Foundry. Great map! You have my download!
Awesome! I loved the original, and this looks even more awesome. BTW, what's changed about the gametype? Is it required to re-dl it to get the full new experience? Still, 5/5, already planning out routes as a mongoose taxi driver.
Wow, the description of this map is the most thorough one I have ever seen. It is really cool to see the history and back-story of a map. The map itself looks great, just like the original. The whole teleporter door concept is really cool as well. 5/5. AMAZING.
FINALLY!!! i have been waiting for you to remake this map for a LOOONGGG time! i loved the first version, and i can only imagine that this one is better! i have to say that this is the BEST infection game(type) EVER!!!! 10/5!!!!
i really dont like this map and gametype i dont see whats fun, but seems like a helluvalot of people do
Hey, a question: I've been looking around on your map for awhile, having some fun, and I've found a peculiar part that I can't quit understand the purpose of. I've found a turret overlooking a floating teleporter inside of a floating fence box, off the edge of the cliff, impossible to get on or inside. The teleporter has a pallet on it, presumably blocking it, but when I went into forge to examine it, I discovered that it's a sender node! This sender node leads into a box with a couple of weapons, floating off the cliff, and with grav-lifts set to spawn at 3 minutes; when the zombies are released. I'm confused; am I supposed to use the turret to shoot the 10-second-respawn pallet? Am I supposed to get inside of it somehow? Is the box with the weapons launched by the grav-lifts supposed to help out those arrogant punks who decide to not get inside the base? (which makes no sense) Seriously, WTF is this supposed to be?