(Im the Co-Founder of this map) The Drop's are mear impossible, the creators, dylan and I only done them about 10ish times out of 500 try's, lol. But they are possible. Thanks to everyone who either D/L'd or Bump'd this thread up, and we always appreciate positive feedback.. -shane
wow dylan. oh yes, btw the loop about 1/4 the way thorugh does not work EVERY single time, so dont get frustrated in your self.
actually shane you can do it every time! you just dont listen when i tell you to put your left wheel on the left part of the mancannon
It looks cool but i've played and besides the doors, nothing is interlocked. I love your idea but maybe in a V2 you can interlock somemore. I DLed ne ways. Still can't make it
Oh my. That first picture gave me that rollercoaster-drop feeling, I'm not kidding, seriously. I'm feeling sick. XD Awesome!