BOXGOES CITY note: this is my first map post overview of the map a nice view of the map History: Giants enterd the boxgoes city becos of their need of fusion fuell. but soon came more giants, and a war is over the place now. Go to war and lead your contry to victory. But be aware of the awsomness filter. it will only let you. Enter if u prevail. Gaint after gaint dies and soon there will only be one left Enter at own risk! Disreption: This map took me 4 hours to make, if not more. in the ofiice's you will find 1 active camo, 2 fire bombs and either 1 sentinel beam or gravity hammer. in the hallway there is a flamethrower. outside the office is the map. and i cant realy discribe it. the overview picture above should give you a good idea ;D gamtypes: This map suprort all gametypes. the recomended once are: 1 sided flag, 1 sidede vip, 1 sided bomb, slayer and teamslayer. the recomended number of players are 2-14 Note: if you wanna play zombie games there is a campabelety, bbut it is fixed if you make the custom powerup give you the abillety to regenerate grenades Weapon list: Both: 2x mauler 1x shotgun 1x rocket 2x smg 2x spiker 2x magnum 1x bruteshot 1x energy sword 1x flamethrower 4x firebomb 4x frag grenade 3x plasma grenade ?x br, and assult Symetric: 2x corbine 1x bruteshot 2x sentinel beam 1x sniper rifel 2x plasma grenade Asymetric 1x beamrifel 2x firebomb 2x gravety hammer Equipment list: Both: 2x powerdrain 1x flare 1x bubbleshield 2x active camo Symetrical: 1x regenerator 1x overshield Asymetrical 1x custom powerup Geometry this is a picture of one of the 2 towers the place to plant the bomb on 1 sided bomb the special of the map: i put to sniperplace where one of them is secret, and the other have a ball underneath XD. sorry abaut the fact that i have not got any action pictures :S -------------------------------------------------------- Credits Publisher me, forgehub, map maker Me (again) - BIG EMPTY SPACE HERE!!!! i wanna say that no1 helped me.. testers: esjayslayer me + guest Q lip Samehlive + guest linkhans + guest Rendom guys i cant remember the name of :S -------------------------------------------------------- the credits is ****ed up becos you dont need to read em XD Note: (again. Guess you are getting tierd of this heeh?) i want you to comment whit constuctive cretism.. But i think it is always nice to hear "AWSOME MAP BRO" hehe download the map here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Its hard to tell what much about your map because you need more pics. I am very glad to see you used interlocking on your first map. Good work. P.S. This is my 500 post!!!!
looks like a fun map to play, but it looks a littls bit sloppy. i haven't tryed it yet, but i might. and also more pics are needed.
Looks very well thought out but could be more, regular, if you know what I mean. Otherwise very good.
I like that this is yuor first post and you really made it nice. The map looks good aand looks like it would flow pretty good on slayer. objective gamees I donbt know but this looks fun for just a good game of slayer. good job 4/5 because you could of done just the smallest bbit of interlocking.
First thing Welcome to Forgehub. Ok a great post for your first map post. You did everthing right. The map is pretty good too. Most people don't know about Interlocking until like there 2nd or 3rd map but good job!
need more pics... and understandable grammar. like i had to reread every sentence of that. 8/10 for the map tho