Simplistic Created by Pacman Wizard Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description A really simple 1v1/2v2 map for people who just want a quick game while waiting for someone/something etc. Made in an hour for the sake of it. I'd just like to say that every piece of scenery in the map is interlocked. And this whole map is symmetrical. There are two sets of spawns. A spawn is an open double-box and half of it is interlocked into the wall. This is protected by a shield door which cover the only entrance to the spawn. As you leave the spawn, directly to your right is a battle rifle. Then directly to your left is two plasma grenades. Left then right at the plasma grenades will take you to the main room in the map . In the centre of this is a Shotgun. Thats basically the map. _________________________________________________ The main room in the map contains a shotgun. Nothing else. The two sets of spawns have a battle rifle and stickies nearby. The spawns and the main room, just so you know where they are. The main room again. The main room and the left spawns. The main room and the right spawns. Inside the spawns. I think thats enough screenshots. _________________________________________________ New version coming soon, will include equipment and other scenery. Maybe more weapons. Who knows? Me. No links yet, I will soon put the files on my file share. Don't complain. The only thing I can offer ATM is a video made by my good friend Danlancelot. Watch this:
Ok I will have more photos by tomorrow, too tired ATM. I am currently sorting the screenshot issue. *EDIT* Screenshots now work, just need more now.
did you properly embed them? probably not cause i can tell. you didn't use photobucket did you? here's a guide i found
hey so take the people above me's advice, but a longer discription may help people to visualize the maps while the pics are dpwn.
This map looks amazing! Even though I have never played this map, and my only experience of it are the screenshots that I’m looking at on my low quality computer monitor, and I have no idea of how the map plays except what you just told me, I’ll give you the best score possible and completely invalidate anyone else’s attempt to actually play this map and give it the score it actually deserves based on it’s playability, flow, weapon balance, and the skill of construction.
Ok for some strange reason none of my screenshots seem to work. I will try photobucket again. Thanks for the comments. I will have it sorted and with more screenshots by the end of today. BTW it is not my machinima, it is Danlancelot's, and that is the pilot episode made under a very low budget and not a lot of people are in it. It used camera trickery to make it look like that. I would just like to stress that. *EDIT* Photobucket did work the second time, thanks Darkmaster949.
8/10. ok.. well it looks good but its really... simplistic. but thats what you were going for so yeah. at least it looks pretty.
Thanks everyone for the comments, I really wish I could get the link up and running so you could try it, but I need to get some other stuff done first.