Possible "Batman 3" Villains.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by evan12075, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Did he die? or did Nolan makes us think he died... im telling you guys. it makes perfect sense that the next batman will be based off of this comic "Dark Victory" Batman's third year as "Gotham's Dark Knight", Two Face Finishing is war with the Falcone Mob, Catwoman for a specific reason... If anybody noticed, Bruce Wayne asks if his new armor will protect him from dogs where His Butler says, yes, but cats are a different story. HINT HINT. That jumped right off the page for me. But you guys can deny that Two Face will be in the next movie, but its just from the research i got... even tho it all makes perfect sense to me.
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Two-face died, the police had the place surrounded. If he didnt die he would of been arrested my the police. Unless they go on to describe that in the next movie. This could just work.
  3. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    Ok...Two Face is definatley going to be in one of the next 2 movies for sure, the riddler i would absolutely love to see...jim carreys performance was just like the guy in the 60ies possibly even wackier...but i think the riddler is going to be more serious like everything in this series has been so far....if they decide to do the riddler...bring back carrey...his performance in 'The Number 23' was wicked he was evil and mind bending in that movie in short carrey was a loon... please Nolan let Carrey come back Carrey PLZ be more serious and not so wacked be scary and angry...but still funny at times.....
  4. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
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    Yes...you think that but how did he get his two faces?? everyone thinks hes dead...but hes alive and half of his face is mulched up with acids and stuff...
  5. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i love two-face! :D he seriously better not be dead or ill be mad
  6. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    There's no reason why Two Face wouldn't be in the next movie. and catwoman will obviously be in the next movie too.
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Two Face will not be in the next movie. He is dead, end of discussion.

    The joker was supposed to be in the next movie, but well...

    What I bet was going to be the plan, was to introduce robin, have him killed by the Joker. Meanwhile the other villian would be a business man/mobster trying to put the pressure on Bruce Wayne.

    Batman avenges Robin's death and puts the mobster behind bars. He no longer masquerades as Batman because he realizes that he himslef is becoming a villian.

    However, the people of Gotham city finally grow a pair and clean up crime themselves, a sort of bittersweet ending.

    I bet that was supposed to be the plan, but you can't reintroduce the Joker for obvious reasons, Two Face is dead. Freaken fell at least 40 feet to his death. Had a funeral and was buried six feet below. He ain't coming back ya'll.

    I think though that they may be able to salvage the Bruce Wayne mobster thing.

    I don't think any criminals with 'powers' will be seen in these movies. Maybe catwoman, but catwoman is rather gimicky.

    Probably penguin and the mobster/ buisnessman. Think of it like a triangle.

    Penguin is into crime and wants to get the mobster out of his territory, while Batman tries to stop Penguin, meanwhile the mobster tries to get Bruce Wayne out of his territory, that certainly would be an interesting storyline.
    Linubidix likes this.
  8. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    Why would they introduce Robin and then kill him in the same movie? :squirrel_eyebrow:
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    My friend and I were discussing how it will be obviously impossible for them to ever include The Joker in any other Batman movies since Heath did such an unbeatable job playing him.

    UNLESS, they could make The Dark Knight Returns. (batman and joker are way older in this, which means they could have an older actor play the joker.)
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Why would they introduce Two Face and then kill him in the same movie? :squirrel_eyebrow:

    It makes for some good cinema, besides if you are going to have more than one villian might as well have robin in there. Plus no one like robin anyways, he's a *****. Kill him.
  11. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    Dunno, I quite like the idea of Daniel Day-Lewis being casted for the role. Sure, he may be a bit older than Heath was, but when you consider these factors:
    -Daniel looks similiar to Heath
    -He would have lots of Make-up on
    -Daniel looks younger than his age
    -Heath looked older as the Joker

    I really think it could work. Daniel is very talented and is known to get extremely into his roles. The only downside is that Daniel is very picky with his roles. So I'm not sure he would accept the role.

    I like the idea of The Dark Knight Returns, but I rather the third movie be Batman's third year. I wouldn't mind if they included some aspects from the story, though.

    Who says he's dead?:squirrel_giggle:;)

    Still, I don't see them killing him off that soon or if at all. Though, I must say, I do like "A Death in the Family" storyline.
  12. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    It would be interesting to put penguin in a move tho with all those umbrella gadgets that are beyond the real world. Riddler or Catwoman seem to be the best candidates to be in the next movie, where at the beginning of the movie Catwoman and Batman have their draws but later make up and become "allies." but then at the end of the movie... she stabs him in the back and batman has to fight even harder to finish off Riddler as Catwoman disappears. that would be an interesting story... but i still trust the "Dark Victory" rumor.
  13. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Nolan said that he was trying to stay away from previously used villains so I think that rules out Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Penguin, and the Riddler.
    Also I think that they'll have BatGirl in the next movie. As most of you know she is Commissioner Gordon's daughter, and did anyone notice how during the movie she was never shown? Probably because they wanted to make sure they had the right girl for the job for the next one.
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The Black Mask would be tight in a movie
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Okay, a few things. Mostly based on opinion.

    The Joker will not be replaced. Heath Ledger's performance was a career defining role. To re-cast him would be silly, chances are the replacement will not be embraced by Batman fans, and he wont live up to the Joker that Heath Ledger did. The way Nollan ended the Dark Knight would leave one to assume The Joker was intended to be featured in a possibel sequel, for obvious reasons I doubt that'll happen.

    I highly doubt Two Face will return. He fell off of a multi storied building. I dont remember seeing his actual coffin. If I remember correctly they just had a memorial for Harvey Dent. Two Face is a possibility but I doubt he'll return.

    I've said a lot in different threads, I doubt and hope that Mr. Freeze shall not return. Really, think about it. A man who must congeal himself in a suit that keeps his skin icey cold. His character is too unplausible, too colourful.

    The penguin, I'm pretty sure Nollan has said that he wont attempt him, or someone said it. His character and gimmick is way out there. His weapon of choice is retarded. An Umbrella which is also a gun, c'mon!

    I'm not strongly against or for Robin's return. How I'd like to see him done is firstly not as an acrobat. The name "Robin" could simbolise a poetic side to him. He could join Batman but in the end turn on him, then to be killed. Batman & Robin is something I would hate to see. The dynamic duo being revived in the 21st century is something that would put me off batman.

    Catwoman is a definate possibility. The way she was done in Batman Returns could easily still work for the new style of Batman. Poison Ivy is a no, IMO.

    Bane could work if he's done how he was in the cartoons and comics.

    The Mad Hatter is a no if he's brought back as a main villain like he was portrayed in the 60s episodes. To have him brought back as a perverted paedophilic villain would probably work.

    One villain that seems to be overlooked is Harley Quinn. In the cartons she is the Joker's accomplice. She may work as someone in love with The Joker and outraged that he was killed. What could work to fix that dillemma is when the SWAT Team see the Joker hanging they reflexively shoot the wire causing him to fall to his death. If they do it like that, they would'nt need much or any dialogue out of the Joker.

    The riddler is someone I'd really like to see. He could be really intelectual and could drive Batman to insanity with his riddles. He could be similar to how he was done in Batman Forever and the 60s batman. But just much more serious. Perhaps not wearing a skin tight green jump suit.

    Well, those are my thoughts.
    evan12075 likes this.
  16. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    riddler would be sick.
  17. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    Too colorful? Have you seen him in Batman: The Animated Series (specifically his first appearance in the episode, "Heart of Ice" and the movie, "Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero")? He's such a tragic character (perhaps even more tragic than Harvey Dent).
    #37 PaperThinWalls, Jul 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  18. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    maybe even changing mr freeze's character up a little would do. keep all of the ice weaponry and such, but make him have a passion for cold, or ice... idk. but it is definitely possible to put mr freeze in a batman movie.
  19. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    IMO i could see mr. freeze or the riddler possibly in the next movie. i think nollan can make these characters more "darker" if he really wanted to. i also think nollan is smart enough not to bring Arnold back lol.

    *also is this a possible tease for new Batman movie? idk: you guys know how the joker was teased in the end of Batman Begins right. well if i remember correctly when i was seeing the dark knight i saw the lucky coin that two face had when he fell. it had two sides, the darkened side and the normal side. those of you who saw the movie should know what each side represents. anyways when he fell it landed on the normal side(get to live side). i have a feeling we might see two face again IMO since we didn't see harveys actual coffin or burial. and the camera seemed focused on it for a few seconds as if nollan wanted us to notice something. its possible . but then again its been a week since i last saw it so..... idk
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That in no way rules out the riddler, just lose the green tights and your fine. He is a very intelectual character and that could still work to perfection in Nolan's movies.

    If you think or want Batgirl, I'll lose all respct for you.
    Did you notice how gordon's kids were like 5, so in the possible sequel Batman is partnered up with an 8 year old girl. How the **** is she supposed to stop the bad guys.

    "I love cold it feels good, **** you batman!"

    The story for him and his personality would have to drastically change; so much so that he isnt even Freeze anymore. A man who must keep himself in a suit that keeps him frozen; an Ice Suit, that is unplausible.

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